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The Implementation Of ERP Project And The Risk Management Of Enterprise K

Posted on:2014-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422489239Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the arrival of the information age, the survival environment of enterpriseshas gone through tremendous changes, more and more companies realize thatinformation technology can improve business efficiency, reduce operating costs, andthus enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. ERP (enterprise resource plan) isnot only a highly integrated informatization management system, but also a "businessprocess optimization solutions", some scholars believe that it is "the perfectcombination of advanced management philosophy and information technology". ERPintegrates enterprise logistics, capital flow and information flow for unifiedmanagement of employees, materials, goods, technology, information and otherresources, makes full use of existing resources effective integration of business to gainmore benefit, and strives to enhance key performance of the enterprise so thatenterprises get greater competitiveness in the market. Since the introduction of ERP toour country, it has been applied in many enterprises, but for the vast majority ofenterprises, there are still many problems in the construction of ERP. Since theimplementation of the ERP project has a long cycle, and involves a large amount ofinvestment funds and covers a wide range, and effective norms or standards has not yetformed in the implementation of ERP project in China. Implementation of ERPprojects also face huge risks, many companies fail to achieve the desired results in theimplementation of ERP project, and they are even in the face significant losses.In this paper, the author takes ERP project management and risk managementtheory as the basis, and combines the theories with some specific practices, mainlyresearches on implementation and risk management methods of ERP project inenterprise K. The author analyzes the main function of each module of its ERP system,and evaluate the effect of its implementation according to the enterprise data, whobelieve that the company’s ERP system enhances the management level and achievesgood economic results, which demonstrates that the effective project management andscientific risk management is a guarantee of the successful implementation of ERP. On the basis of the analysis, the author summarizes the key factors and risk controlmethods of the successful implementation of ERP project, and makesrecommendations from the several aspects of budget planning, product selection,project schedule control, business process reconstruction, human resources for thoseenterprises that may implement ERP project.This study combines theoretical research and practical application, and makesystemic suggestions for the upcoming implementation of ERP of enterprise K. As atypical state-owned military enterprise, enterprise K offers a great reference for thesuccessful implementation of ERP projects of state-owned enterprises because of itsERP project implementation experience. Meanwhile, it provides some reference andexperience for other companies to successfully implement ERP.
Keywords/Search Tags:ERP, enterprise K, project management, risk management
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