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Brand Building Of Micro-blog Public Welfare

Posted on:2016-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330479978396Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2009, Sina test micro-blog online. Then, Sohu, Tencent and other websites also has launched its own micro-blog. The year 2010 is known as "the first year of micro-blog" due to the rapid development. Micro-blog harvests hundreds of millions of users in the development. Due to the innovation of media, more and more public welfare activities rely on the micro-blogging platform. In 2011, "Crackdown" make people know the power of micro-blogging public welfare, the audience surround sand participate. Thereafter, micro-blog public welfare interest has become the norm of public welfare activities. In August 2014, micro-blog reached unprecedented heights due to "Ice Bucket Challenge" of its participants, the new activity way, the influence of the general public.Branding is the concept of advertising and marketing. After a period of development, micro-blog public welfare formed its own brand. And in public welfare activities to carry out the integration in the power of the marketing and media, promote their own brands to micro-blog users. During the study, this paper combines the marketing theory and the theory of communication, as a successful brand of "Free Lunch for Children" as the research object, study "Free Lunch for Children" brand communication channels and communication strategy, thus to point to the surface of summarizing the status quo of public micro-blog branding as well as its development strategy.The article is divided into five parts. The first part is introduction, mainly elaborated the significance for the purpose of this study, research methods and research status. The second chapter to the fifth chapter is the main part of the article. The second chapter is mainly to simply introduce micro-blogging public welfare as well as the related concepts of brand. The third chapter the concept of "Free Lunch for Children", the present situation as well as the brand logo has carried on the simple summary. Chapter 4 studied the "Free Lunch for Children" brand communication, and analyzed the main body, content, mode of transmit, transmission tools are analyzed combined with some successful micro-blogging public welfare brand, and sums up the "Free Lunch for Children" public welfare activities and deficiencies in the spread of the brand strategy. Chapter 5 analyzed the present situation of the public micro-blog branding, and pick up some suggestions on its development strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro-blog public welfare, Free Lunch for Children, Brand communication, Development strategy
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