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Design And Implementation Of Virtualbox Virtualization Management System

Posted on:2015-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J ShanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473950930Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, cloud computing has become the IT industry’s most high-profile technology. Since China introduced the concept of cloud computing in the country would have been widely appreciated. From national policy, down to related companies, all particularly concerned about cloud computing. With cloud computing technology continues to evolve, and users continue to strengthen awareness of the cloud, "cloud" is a step from the cloud to reality. Cloud computing has been rapid development in recent years, and virtualization as a cornerstone of the cloud is of concern. The use of virtual infrastructure management systems into the cloud computing system has become a hot research issue. Virtualization management system includes the main modules such as computing, networking and storage, but these are the essential elements of a data center environment.This paper analyzes the mainstream virtualization technology status at home and abroad, on this basis, based on the design and implementation of a distributed virtualbox virtualization management platform. The main work of this paper include:(1) design and implementation of a distributed framework. Distributed framework has a message queue, based on a realization basis redis synchronous and asynchronous RPC call. And to achieve multi-level message routing mechanisms and broadcasting, the full realization of the robustness and high availability virtualization management services.(2) design and implementation of a distributed virtual network infrastructure. Including NAT network mechanisms, IP-based security mechanisms and specify the set of rules that port. Under all of the network model are implemented dhcp(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) service, and to achieve isolation between dhcp service guarantee dhcp broadcast messages do not interfere with each other.(3) design and implementation of a virtual machine for remote management. Including startup, shutdown, snapshot, remote desktop. Virtual machines are managed by a control node web management interface on each compute node is actually running.Environmental paper implements virtualization management system is mainly applied to the engine room and the IDC and other data centers, combined with data center computing, networking, storage, and high availability requirements, from the virtual machine migration, storage, support and other aspects of system design, respectively design. In the practical application of the requirements of the scene, the testing phase presented a detailed test objectives and scientific testing methods...
Keywords/Search Tags:cloud computing, network, virtualization, virtualbox
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