The robot obstacle avoidance and path planning is not only one of importantresearch directions of mobile robots, but also an indispensable and important partof the mobile robots’ navigation technology. The robot obstacle avoidance and pathplanning in static scenes is the core content of the global path planning as well asthe basis of the local path planning.In this thesis we deeply study the mathematical models and computationalalgorithms of robot obstacle avoidance and path planning in static scenes, try toprovide a complete solution for such problem, bearing a certain theoreticalsignificance and practical value.This thesis studies the following two problems:In this thesis, a complete mathematical model of the robot obstacle avoidanceand global path planning in static scenes is established via the use the visiblegraphs. First of all, the environment model of the robot obstacle avoidance is built,a visual network diagram is constructed; Secondly, the0-1nonlinear integerprogramming models of the robot global path planning are established in fourdifferent situations,are respectively the shortest distance path model of the robotobstacle avoidance under a single-target point, the shortest distance path model ofthe robot obstacle avoidance under a multiple-target point, the shortest time pathmodel of the robot obstacle avoidance under a single-target point, and the shortesttime path model of the robot obstacle avoidance under a multiple-target point.According to the different situations of the robot obstacle avoidance andglobal path planning in static scenes, based on the shortest path Dijkstra algorithm,the corresponding calculation algorithm s are constructed, mainly including thealgorithm for the shortest distance path of the robot obstacle avoidance under asingle-targeting, the algorithm for the shortest distance path of the robot obstacleavoidance under a multiple-target point, the algorithm for the shortest time path ofthe robot obstacle avoidance under a single-target point, and the algorithm for theshortest time path of the robot obstacle avoidance under a multiple-target point.To verify the effectiveness of the algorithm s, this thesis is also devoted to theempirical research on a specific robot obstacle avoidance example, by usingMATLAB programming, the shortest distance path and time path for the robot obstacle avoidance are calculated respectively. The empirical results show that thealgorithms are effective.Finally, in this thesis, some obstacles and target points are selected asexamples, the changes of the shortest path when these obstacles and the targetpoints move are observed so as to test the model and make some s ensitivityanalyses. |