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The Design And Implementation Of Face Recognition System Based On OpenCV

Posted on:2016-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y BuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330467499180Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous improvement of information technology and the rapiddevelopment of safety awareness, the traditional identification methods which caneasily be stolen and leaked have been insufficient to meet the needs of society.Biometric authentication has gradually become a hot area of research. Biometricauthentication technology is mainly using computer vision, image processing andpattern recognition techniques to identify a person’s identity by physicalcharacteristics or behavioral characteristics of human beings. In a variety ofbiometric technology, face recognition is more natural and more intuitive. It hasmany characteristics, such as non-contact, non-mandatory, concurrency and simplicityand so on. So it has attracted many researchers to study it. Nowadays, It has been thehotspot of research and applications in the society. Face Recognition technology,whiche starting in the late1960s, has formed a relatively mature technology with thejoint efforts of scholars from various countries after the development of three phases.It has been widely used in many fields, such as national security, documentverification, information security, personnel attendance and so on.OpenCV is an open source cross-platform computer vision library thatimplements many common algorithms for image processing and computer vision. Itcan be directly applied in many fields, including object recognition, image partition,face recognition, motion tracking, motion analysis, etc., and it can also be used as asecondary development of the ideal tool to achieve the main algorithm of facerecognition. MFC is a library provided by Microsoft, which encapsulates the Windows API in the form of a C++class. It includes a framework for the application,thereby reducing the workload of the developers at the time of programming. It canbe invoked through an object-oriented approach to Windows API, and also canachieve a convenient application development. So this paper uses the MFCframework to implement face recognition system.Currently there are three face recognition algorithms: The first one is Eigenfacemethod based on PCA, which basic idea is to project and reduce the dimensions ofthe image by K-L transform, and then find the main component of the image todescript and compare the human faces. The second method is FisherFace whichbased on LDA, its main idea is to project the high-dimensional sample to the bestdetermine vector space, which can effectively extract classified information,compression dimension feature space. In the new projection subspace, the distancebetween classes has been reached the maximum and the distance in classes has beenreached the minimum, so as to achieve the best separability. The third method is LBPwhich based on local feature extraction method, which basic idea is to compare theimage pixels and the points around the pixel, and then summing the results based oncomparison.This paper has studied on the three face recognition algorithm, and then usedOpenCV to implement LBP which is the most efficient of the three algorithms offace recognition to recognize faces. Then it uses Visual Studio2010to build a facerecognition system, and designs user interface by MFC. This paper has realize thefunctions of training model of face, reading the image that need to be recognized,extracting image and recognizing face. This paper also uses ORL face databasesystem to train and test the system, which has achieved highly effective and accuraterecognition. The paper has tested every module of the system and the process of thesystem. This paper implements a whole face recognition system based on OpenCV.
Keywords/Search Tags:Face Recognition, OpenCV, LBP
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