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The Design And Implementation Of Log Analysis Module And Timed Task Module Of DDoS Defense System

Posted on:2015-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461960686Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A well-known Internet company operates a large number of production servers to provide users with a wealth of service. In this case, once the attack suffered huge data streams resulting server downtime, and we can not continue to provide Internet services, the serious consequences is unbearable. Therefore, the company needs to develop an intelligent DDoS defense system to defend against application-level DDoS attacks and provide security services for the production server.Intelligent DDoS defense system detects DDoS attacks by analyzing product server access logs and monitoring the server status information, then defend the DDoS attacks by ban means, according to different functions, the system is divided into a log analysis module, monitor module, timed task modules and Web module.Loosely coupled design and distributed Storm framework have made the system has good scalability, even after the need for access to new products and provide security services for more servers, you can easily achieve.Intelligent DDoS defense system using Java language, as a whole use modular design concept, the use of the Spring framework for project management components, and is responsible for integrating the FreeMarker of view layer and iBATIS of data persistence layer; Meanwhile, the log analysis module uses Storm framework to meet a large number of log data to calculate and analyze needs, provide real-time data attack suspects; In addition, the timed task module uses Quartz framework to provide convenient scheduling for timed task.This paper mainly from the background of the system, requirements analysis and architecture design, etc. to describe the entire project, and focus on the design and implementation of the log analysis module and timed task module.
Keywords/Search Tags:DDoS defense system, Storm, Spring, iBATIS, Quartz
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