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Design And Implementation Of Charging Systems For Local Banks

Posted on:2016-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467997146Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current international financial community is experiencing an unprecedented reform,more emphasis on information technology, globalization, open the coming era of financial,banking, as lead agency for the financial industry, its traditional business has been badly hit,and thus part of the bank has grown from a traditional the savings and loan business to gain ahigher risk is lower among business. Intermediate business, also known as intermediarybusiness or agency business, which banks do not need to spend money, relying on its ownbusiness, technical, institutional, reputation and talent advantages, as an agent, contractorpayment and other matters entrusted to charge fees business. It is a collection of informationtechnology and automation in a type of business banking services. Our business developmentin the middle obviously later than Western countries, science and technology is not mature,lack of business execution, lack of innovation, unable to meet the demand for intermediateservices. Therefore, based on the existing sound system optimized intermediate business, richtype of business is a priority among the Bank’s work. Today, gas utilities and other chargessolidarity with people living there are business units of the uneven distribution of points, feesand other defects are not convenient, it only caused earnings recovery is slow, inadequatecapital supply problems for these units, while giving us life has caused great inconvenience,the impact of our work and learning. Appeared on behalf of the toll system enables banks tobecome a bridge between the client and the charging unit, it is a perfect platform for efficientgeneration of payment, have a good business standards and management practices, a goodsolution to the people to pay the inconvenience, slow recovery of funds charging units andother issues, and resolve conflicts between clients and charging units, by local banks forcombining local characteristics to conduct business in the middle is significant.Prior to the development of this system, I have done a lot of work early, understand localbanks on the agency charging system requirements analysis through the system, the system isdivided into a user trading platform, teller platform system management platform of the threedepartments, and ultimately the actual transaction of business on behalf of the chargingsystem. This article uses JAVA EE framework to achieve to meet the MVC software systemsthinking, systems development is divided into three levels, located at the top of the interfacelayer, which is accessible for users, business users, the system of business operations in thelayer after responding, by JSP, CSS and JavaScript technology to display the results on thepage, JSP tag library provides controls for implementing page display, request, information, tips, CSS to achieve the appearance of the page formatting and processing, JavaScript scriptfor simple logic processing page. Business process layer is the interface layer and the datalink layer, an important part of the model, which is mainly responsible for receiving from theinterface layer from the user request, according to the type of business process information issent to the data model layer, data layer results and return the interface layer. Data layer at thebottom of the entire system development framework, all business operations and dataoperations are completed within the data layer, the main use of EJB class as a model businessprocesses using Sybase JDBC for database connection and operation, Sybase database in thecurrent bank also very popular with businesses use more widely recognized, while enablinginformation exchange with external systems via Socket programming, real-time transactiondata updates. After the system we have developed a rigorous stress and stability testing, andthe test run in the actual operating environment, which is expected at the end of the test runput to practical use in the bank at the same time bring benefits to the people’s production andlife belt to facilitate.This article is based on the current situation and development prospects of the bankintermediary business, a detailed analysis of our existing generation toll collection system theproblems, analyze the root causes of these problems, reference to the Western countries in themiddle of business development process, learning their approach, in order to develop a agencycharging system in line with our generation the truth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intermediary business, on behalf of the charging system, JAVA EE
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