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The LED Display System Based On Single Chip Microcomputer

Posted on:2016-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330467997086Subject:Applied Physics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
LED display (Light Emitting Diode panel) is highly bright lights which arearranged in a certain controlled way to display text, numbers, graphics, etc. LEDdisplay with high brightness, visual distance, low cost, etc. In recent years, manypublic places have replaced the original neon billboards to use the LED display screenas a new propaganda plaque, and many large screens also launched from visual angleof the single LCD display screen into spherical wave angle of LED display.With the rapid development of SCM, SCM has entered all areas of life, fromappliances to aerospace. Single chip microcomputer is every where. The SCM iswidely used. At the same time, LED display has become a super star, and comparedwith the traditional advertising display screen. LED has incomparable advantagessuch as low power consumption and more brightness. Of course, LED is good to thedevelopment of industry. Currently the market has a variety of display control systemis the core. Generally full of colored LED display base on the FPGA control system,double colors or other single color LED display is usually controlled by core devicesuch as ARM. The price of single chip microcomputer as the control center utilizationis lower and lower, but the single-chip microcomputer has some advantages that cannot be replaceable by other devices, such as the single-chip microcomputer STC15.Itis very popular in China, and its price is low and performance is stable. If it is thecore of the controlled system, it can greatly reduce the cost and time.This paper designed a set of LED display screen and PC interface system forusers. The system not only can display text, but also can display time, date,temperature, etc. This paper details the hardware of LED display system.Two kinds of communication between single-chip microcomputer and PC isintroduced in details. LED display is based on single-chip microcomputerSTC15F2K60S2that is the core controller, using a piece of74HC154and manypieces of74HC595. The system of LED display is half outdoor single colored screen, and the size of it is16*64.This system use DS12887clock chip, and it can display the time and date. Thispaper also introduces program. The static display system display four words, and thedynamic display can show more words or numbers. In the communication ofsingle-chip microcomputer and computer, we can change the text content and thestyles of words.
Keywords/Search Tags:LED display, Single chip microcomputer, LabVIEW
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