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Research And Implementation Of Automatic Module Generation For Particle System

Posted on:2015-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330452953326Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the virtual scene,specific feathers of dynamic irregular objects such asdynamic and randomness play a vital role in heightening the atmosphere andenhancing the flexibility effect. In the process of traditional static objects’ modeling,we constructed the abstract model of objects to be simulated with just one or severalbasic geometric primitives. While, the whole external shape of dynamic irregularobjects is so irregular that it is difficult or even unable to describe their morphologywith traditional eometric primitives. In addition, affected by various external factors,dynamic objects are not always in a certain fixed pattern for a long time. So, how toachieve dynamic objects’ simulation has been a hot and difficult problem in the fieldof simulation.Choosing three-dimensional fountain and falling snow scene as thesubject investigated. Basing on particle system theory and simulation object’s features,this paper proposed a method to construct their3D model, extracted the key factorsdeciding fountain and snow shape, then by controlling these key factors, we canachieve the system’s automatic generation and switching between simulation objects’different morphology. Firstly analyze dynamic and static properties of fountain andfalling snow, for example, fountain’s hierarchy and segment structure, falling snow’sgenerating area and some external affecting factors such as wind. Then, to make thesimulation effects more realistic, texturing mapping technology is used to map atexture image to the particle quadrilateral patches. Considering the fusion effectbetween the surrounding scene and the object, blend is adopted to rend the scene. Infountain simulation module, we make a contrastive analysis of quadrilateral and linerinfluence on system real-time.Basing on these studies achieved, sound effect of fountain water is added intofountain visualization scene, which will enhance the realism of the scene further. Inthe snow falling module, fog is used to add a depth and hazy sense to the whole scene.Finally, basing on VC++platform and OpenGL technology,we realized the automaticgeneration system of3D natural scene, which has good versatility and wellinteractivity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic scene, particle system, rending, automatic generation
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