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Practical Exploration And Research On Strategy Of Building Up Learning-based Class

Posted on:2016-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330482465962Subject:Education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A learning class which is organized by flat management is constructed on the basis of mutual expectations of the students,teachers and parent,etc. It discovers and solves problems by systematic thinking; it possesses abilities for lifelong learning and self-administration; it also has a spirit of team working and creative learning. It is a harmoniously developing learning community. Through studying and applying the learning organization theory and by way of five stages of systematic thinking, self-transcending, improving the mental models, establishing shared vision and team learning, students’ learning ability and creativity are thus improved, their all-round development and growth are promoted.In its seventh national conference, the CPC put forward a policy of “establishing a national and lifelong society”. Therefore, class learning-organization construction embodies and meets the practical needs of our new era. However, it is a general and there are significant differences in the new type of education and the existing school classes and cultural survival and development,especially school students is the survival and development of non-matching.In the current education environment at home and abroad, class-teachers are facing the following problems : how can class-teachers develop students’ ability of lifelong learning; how to improve the whole effect classes show; how to keep themselves performing in their jobs with excitement at the same rate as that of the development of the society; how to lead the students into mastering skills of learning, cooperation and living; how to cultivate students’ life-long learning desire to bring their academic potentialities into full play. So that they can improve themselves and prepare themselves for the challenge from the new society in the new century? Undoubtedly, it is the best choice to building up Learning-based Classes.Exploring the approaches of constructing Learning Class organization is the demand of the times, the content of enriching moral educational management, the requirements of innovating the forms of class education and improving the efficiency and pertinence of moral education as well as the development of students’ body and mind. It may be of vital importance in contributing to the all-round and sustainable development of the students and truly facilitating Quality Education. It contains momentous operation significance and profound historic interest.In this paper, using literature observation, lessons learned, analysis, action research, case studies and other research methods Act, Based on the analysis of the current situation of building up learning class in junior school, the author, by applying the theory on building up learning organizations, puts forward four major principles:subjectivity, democracy, creativity and open attitude. And the following strategies to push on such a class are mentioned.The author firmly believed that in the process of actively inquiring and exploring the ways to construct learning class, the teachers not only inquire and seek the meaning of their own lives, but also lead our students to “live meaningful lives”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning organizations, Learning-based Class, Junior School Students
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