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Research In College Tennis Sports Into Community

Posted on:2015-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330473967553Subject:Physical Education Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Although tennis in China started late, but with the rapid economic development, national attention on improving fitness, tennis entered the rapid development stage. Tennis population increasing number of people into tennis enthusiasm. Tennis has become many people’s favorite sport. In recent years, Yantai Laishan rapid economic development, the rapid increase in population, land resource constraints, the university had also developed around the open numerous district. Tennis in the community development situation is not ideal, comprehensive utilization of resources by universities want to drive to carry out activities in the surrounding communities of tennis, tennis activities into the surrounding community college tennis activities, to achieve overall development. Students and tennis enthusiasts within the community college common benefit, and promote the healthy development of tennis in China.Through literature, interviews, questionnaires and other research methods, Laishan universities and to colleges and universities as the center of community tennis activities were carried out investigations, the following conclusions:1. Laishan tennis mainly concentrated in the universities, to facilitate the use of the tennis community residents in small and low construction standards, tennis facilities, colleges and universities need to be improved hardware, site usage can also be improved.2. Tennis enthusiasts within the academic community as well as the wages are higher, in terms of motivation to participate in activities like tennis and college students.3. Higher teacher qualifications within college tennis, college tennis coaches and outside the qualification was low, the quality and quantity of tennis coaching is an important factor in school tennis enthusiasts progress.4. Conduct college tennis activities within a certain organization, but outside of college tennis enthusiasts relatively dispersed, relatively closed to each other, there is no exchange of information, unable to carry out collective activities, the lack of effective management organization.5. Community college tennis in the higher teacher qualifications and qualifications, professional tennis master teaching methods and systems technology, lack of community tennis coach, tennis player is the main reason the community impact of technological progress. To solve these problems, we propose the following measures:1. Communities and universities together to improve the hardware facilities tennis courts, tennis courts publicity to strengthen and improve the utilization of college tennis.2. So that the students into the university campus tennis enthusiast in promoting mutual exchanges.3. Teachers college tennis players in the community to take the lead on regular tennis training, especially for school tennis coach, encourage them to go to receive training relevant qualifications.4. College tennis center, the establishment of community tennis platform, rational management, system standardization tennis activities.5. Teachers college tennis players in the community on a regular basis for training; focus on training the school’s tennis coach, tennis coach to improve the technical level of the community.Combined with universities and research activities within the community outside the college tennis Current Situation, the analysis of the problem, I hope the community tennis event will co-ordinate the planning, the better to carry out, improve the quality of tennis carried out in the community, so that the community tennis healthy and orderly development of.
Keywords/Search Tags:tennis, universities, community
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