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The Present Situation And Suggested Remedies For Teaching Wushu At The Baoding Universities

Posted on:2016-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D R JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470968861Subject:Sports training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese martial arts is the shining pearl of Chinese traditional national sports. It has evolved into a very sophisticated fighting skills and methods. It has become inseparable from everyday life through the long struggle of the working people and with the experience gained with contacts to the outside world. With the advance of time, martial arts continue to evolve through continuous innovation and development. It has become associated with fitness, self-defense, entertainment, and healing. It has an incomparable charm.Many countries in the 21 st century are trying to project a campaign of local sports and cultural characteristics onto the national sports arena. They are trying to carry forward the great spirit of the local sports culture to the national level. Wushu is recognized by the State as an important cultural heritage and at the fourth National University Games, Wushu was announced as an official event. Martial arts require a developmental platform in order to flourish; this environment can be found in colleges and universities. University students have a higher cultural level and therefore the university is a good place to introduce training. The students awareness of martial arts extends past the physical fitness level. They can show the true Chinese martial art spirit. Seeing that the university is at the forefront of cultural awareness, it has a unique advantage in the spreading of the cultural, environmental and other quality aspects of Wushu to the international level.There are many local specialties Hebei boxing martial arts, such as Shaolin Fan child, gossip fist, stamp feet, Young and Vu Thi Tai Chi, with endemic warrior style. Therefore, the development of university teaching martial arts Baoding, should uphold their original historical strengths and geographical advantage while developing their own unique martial arts teaching characteristics, continue to carry forward traditional Chinese culture, martial arts training and lifelong interest in learning martial arts exercise awareness and make due contributions. On the current development situation of China, the martial arts teaching in colleges and universities to carry out the situation and we want to achieve is also expected to have a certain distance, the status quo in order to more fully understand the martial arts teaching college Baoding, Baoding my college physical education in teaching martial arts, martial arts teaching relevant policies and financial support, as well as martial arts teacher martial arts competitions and other related content to study the issue and make a major martial arts teaching in-depth analysis, and put forward practical and effective problem-solving ideas and contribute to the development of university teaching martial arts recommendations.This thesis is based on the data gathered by seven full-time undergraduate students who issued questionnaires, conducted interviews, used published literature, and then extrapolated the data. The findings were then applied against the current curriculum of the Baoding College Wushu Department.Conclusion:1 The Baoding martial arts being taught does not meet the policies and regulations set forth on the national level.2 There are inconsistancies in what the student teachers are taught. The teaching hours can not meet the needs of the students. There is a very limited availability of an indoor venue for teaching and practicing.3 Number of Baoding Teachers College Wushu and "Outline" does not match the requirements of the other martial arts teachers in all aspects of quality is not high.4 Target universities involved in the development of narrow face, the lack of schools to highlight their individuality.5 Students mostly through television, novels know martial arts, martial arts with a far cry from reality, thus affecting students’ interest in the martial arts teaching process.6 Martial Baoding college education funds can not be fully guaranteed funding for schools is also difficult to protect the game, some schools just give the game to get the ranking of student aid, so that different degrees of enthusiasm hinder student teacher.Suggestions:1 Baoding universities should develop a comprehensive policy, including teacher policy, financial policy, physical quality policy and policy, its careful implementation, and execution to strengthen every aspect of sound, so that the process of teaching martial.2 Baoding College Wushu teacher should write a textbook with Baoding features boxing, enrich its content; increase the Morality education efforts; longer appropriate electives.3 Three teachers colleges Baoding quantity recommend martial arts teacher in the recruitment of the stringent requirements, you can also find a part-time student teaching. Suggested that schools in terms of the quality of teachers regularly targeted training arrangements, studies, in addition to improving their school system in scientific.4 according to the "just want" as the basis to set goals, develop the basic objectives and development goals. In the teaching process, when necessary, can also make an appropriate adjustment to the target based on the characteristics of teaching5 Proposed school teachers give students dissect film, the difference between yumartial arts and martial arts school martial arts teaching them to make it a correct understanding.6 Baoding university leaders should pay more attention to the relevant martial arts teaching, encouraging, supporting school teacher team to participate in martial arts martial arts competition. And increase financial support for the martial arts teaching martial arts to participate in the competition to give teachers and students the appropriate allowance for students to get excellent results certain incentives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Baoding, University, Wushu Teaching, Present Situation, Investigation and Analysis
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