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A Narrative Study Of Kindergarten Principal Role In Kindergarten Cultural Development

Posted on:2016-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470482090Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Preschool education has got a constant change in recent years, with it’s further development, people’s attention and expectations have changed too. In order to adapt to the times and enhance the overall strength of the kindergarten, kindergarten principal must pay more attention to its culture construction. As we all know, culture is kindergarten’s "soul". So a good kindergarten must focus on its inherent cultural development. As a leader, the principal is also the key to the cultural development of kindergarten. They should give their own culture functions in different situations to adapt and change their roles to build high-quality nursery culture.The abstractness of the culture makes us often not clear exactly what it is, that it seems to be a well-deserved. For kindergarten, when discussing the way to improve kindergarten leaders, it’s usually do not specifically on the construction of kindergarten culture discussion. For the study of the construction of campus culture in China started late, compared with the primary and secondary schools, relatively few studies in the cultural construction of the kindergarten, from the Angle of the director of kindergarten culture construction research from the Angle of the theory in this paper, the paper also director in the importance of cultural construction in the kindergarten, kindergarten and kindergarten culture management, and put the principal role in specific kindergarten cultural construction situation, to explore the principal role in the cultural construction of research is poor.The research based on the role theory and cultural consciousness, using the method of narrative research, from kindergarten material culture, spiritual culture and institutional culture three aspects research director role in it. In the process of cultural construction, the director must positioning their own role at first, then practice own role, building material culture, spiritual culture, system culture. In kindergarten culture construction process, the director’s own internal factors, such as values,personality traits, professional experience,while the external factors that affect the principal role is its own tradition and kindergarten age opportunities, education administrative departments, parents resource, etc., finally to better improve director and play its role is put forward. In the process of cultural construction, the principalmust has a correct positioning about own role and practice their own role. They must do the leading construction concept of culture, the experimenter of behavior, cultural heritage and innovators, and let the kindergarten culture development in the right direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Kindergarten culture development, Kindergarten principal role
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