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Research On The Teaching Status Of County High School Of Roller Skating Course

Posted on:2016-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470479142Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the further deepening of the sports option class teaching practice and quality education, "one school, one product" in school sports characteristic project created under the guidance of the spirit, the school of mining of various resources, improving conditions and increase the sports facilities, increase the emerging sports project to meet the needs of different interests and talents of students. Roller skating this emerging sport is popular with students, especially have a good effect on body shape and development, to alleviate the pressure of student life and learning and play a good relax and entertainment function. At present, roller skating course of modern middle school in Nanzhao County of Nanyang city has been carried out for more than three years, in the classroom teaching and students’ physical health has made remarkable achievements, but because of various constraints and influence, the school in the roller skating in the classroom teaching and extracurricular activities participation has not formed the system of teaching and the activity scale. In order to promote the development of roller skating course or an even larger area in Nanzhao County secondary modern school in Nanyang City, conducted a survey on the modern middle school in Nanzhao County of roller skating course to carry out the basic situation, and the effects of learning and training effect of calcined extracurricular activities of roller skating course of sustainable development factor investigation method, analysis of existing roller skating course of modern middle school in Nanzhao county implementation problems from the survey results, improve the teaching quality of roller skating course of modern middle school together, The status of the development of roller skating course in modern schools survey Nanzhao concluded:(1) The popularity of Nanzhao secondary modern roller skating rate low, like roller skating and I hope to learn to practice the students accounted for 41%, but the school each semester has 12 sports option class only 2 roller skating class, can not meet the desire of students to learn skating movement.(2) The modern middle school skating teachers Nanzhao as men, teacher as the other basketball teachers teach classes change roller skating, roller skating and skating professional teachers lack no female teachers, restricting the skating teaching implementation courses and extracurricular activities skating movement organization, guidance.(3) The teaching aim of Modern Middle School of roller skating course Nanzhao set up comprehensive and reasonable. Teachers and students without roller skating teaching materials, teaching content, teaching hours of arbitrariness, affected by weather, special circumstances influence causes the teaching hours reduced, is the main reason for the teaching goal can not be completed.(4)Nanzhao secondary modern schools in roller skating class settings:total hours less, between class and class a long time interval, roller sports option class teaching content arrangement in this condition are speed skating content, causing the students skating action learning is not consistent, easy to forget, greatly reduce the enthusiasm of the students skating roller skating.(5) Nanzhao County secondary modern roller sports equipment is equipped with adequate. The lack of skating specialized venues not only make students participate in roller sports enthusiasm to reduce, more forcing some students to the outside the rink in roller skating.(6) The atmosphere of extracurricular activities students participate in skating project exercise strong, but lack of space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanzhao secondary modern schools, roller sports option class teaching, high school
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