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Research On The Development Of Leisure Sports In Lanzhou City

Posted on:2016-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330470476657Subject:Physical Education Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the rapid economic growth today, the inseparable relationship between city construction and leisure sports. Leisure sports meet people’s emotional needs and intrinsic pursuit of value, improve the training of those physical and mental health; to enhance the quality of the city leisure sports, promote the economic development of the city; at the same time, city construction to provide the material conditions and spiritual power for the leisure sports, but also for the development of leisure sports development provides a good environment.Lanzhou as an important city of the western region, all aspects of economic, political, and cultural development at the same time, leisure sports activities is also a breakthrough development, in this context, research on leisure sports related research not only can deepen the theory of the leisure sports, and provide suggestions for reference on development of Lanzhou City Leisure sports.This paper use literature data method, questionnaire survey method, interview method and mathematical statistics method, based on investigation of sports leisure in Lanzhou City, analysis of favorable and unfavorable factors in the development of leisure sports in Lanzhou city and is suitable for development of Lanzhou city leisure sports project, and then put forward pushing into the development of leisure sports in Lanzhou City, suggestions. According to the results of the survey, the development of city leisure sports in Lanzhou has emerged as one of the important contents of mass sports, such as city residents, leisure activities, content rich, more to outdoor leisure sports and the main, participation in leisure sports more people; development policy favorable factors, the development of leisure sports in Lanzhou have leisure sports industry support, disposable income and family income increase, development of city and city culture awareness, improve the level of the tourism industry, domestic and international exchanges increase and residents’ leisure demand increased, these factors have positive effects on construction of city. Of course, there are some problems and negative factors, Lanzhou city leisure sports development in the process of social sports instructors, outdoor less, young people in less; unfavorable factors include natural and geographical conditions restrict, Lanzhou city traffic congestion, facilities and inadequate understanding of old residents of leisure and leisure for the less leisure time etc..The basic situation and the development of favorable factors for Lanzhou city leisure sports and unfavorable factors, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions is to give full play to the basic role of social sports organization, actively organizing various sports activities; improve the system of social sports instructor, Sports Bureau, Institute of physical education and other relevant departments to actively organize the coaches and athletes to carry out the obligations of fitness instruction, to encourage athletes engaged in public health counseling in leisure time; based on the Lanzhou city landscape features, to enhance the reputation of the city as the focus, actively running every session of the Lanzhou international marathon. Therefore, investigation and research and development of Lanzhou city leisure sports, leisure sports development is conducive to better.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lanzhou City, leisure sports, development
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