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Practical Research On Geographical Information And Analysis Measures For The College Entrance Test

Posted on:2015-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330467976941Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the recent years, from the college entrance examination geographypaper looking, the ability of reading the geographic information of the moststudents is weak.They have the following problems:(1) informationcomprehensive interpretation is not enough;(2) the process of readinginformation is error;(3) the interpretation to the geographic informationcannot be accurately described. Therefore, in the high school geographyteaching practice and research to develop students’ ability to interpretgeographic information to improve students’ ability to interpret geographicinformationi to improve the students’ comprehensive thinking quality.At thesame time, it can be engaged in the high school geography teaching first-lineteachers provide more systematic interpretation strategy of geographicinformation. I write this paper through literature researching、the method ofaction researching、case analysis、induction and other research methods tostudy the following contents: the types of geographic information of collegeentrance examination geography test questions、The characteristics of thecollege entrance examination geography exam geographic information、Thestrategy of geographic reading.In college entrance examination of geography test questions for ourpractice. In this paper, I conclude the following conclusions:Firstly geography test questions of the university entrance exam ofgeographic information according to the geographical text information in theform of expression, geographical image information、geographic form ofinformation and ccording to the nature of the divided into explicitinformation and implicit information.Second, the college entrance examination geography exam geographicinformation has four features:1. They present geographic information bysetting the geographic situation.2. Mostly in the form of chart providesintuitive image information.3. Less apparent information of geographic information,but more the hidden information.4. A variety of geographicinformation type integrated embodiment.Thirdly,reading strategythe of university entrance exam geography examgeographic information.Reading text strategies:1. To read the topic of writing material, quicklydecipher the writing material related to the problem solving in the effectiveinformation;2. Establish to read word by word, find out the question thepoint of view of restrictive conditions and belongs to category of knowledge;3. Another from the same set of test questions of interpretation in the dry oroptions of geographic information.The strategy of the interpretation of the image strategy:1. Thecoordinate chart reading strategies: realize the title and content, and theelements of column axis represents content reflected by the analysis of therelationship between; According to the "point","column" or "line" and howmuch height, the correct pronunciation corresponding coordinates numerical(including units), changing trend and reason analysis; Interpretation of theimage to see the quantity, increase or decrease, amplitude, clear degree andtrend at different stages of change and high and low and its change areanalyzed; By thinking and processing the image of the chart, the datainformation into text message.2. The area of reading strategies: to assess thegeographical position (such as the sea and land position、relative position、the latitude and longitude position、traffic location and so all.); Want to seethe clear regional spatial distribution; Analysis of regional differences andregional development; According to the requirement of the topic anddecipher the effective information from the image, contact with priorknowledge to solve the problem.3. The contour map of reading strategies:look at the picture; see numerical; Three see density; look towards; thebending.4. The geographical map reading strategies: understanding thefigure, the graphic transformation; Review the knowledge, looking for basis;Stick to the question, the answer accurately.5. Landscape map readingstrategies: accurate interpretation of landscape what kind of geographical factors or diagram to explain what kind of geographical phenomenon,namely read title; Careful observation to the characteristics of geographicalelements in landscape and the relationship between each other, the meaningof geographic information in the graph; According to the information in thelandscape, extraction and establish related parts to contact the relevantknowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:college entrance examination, geographicinformation, interpretation strategy, practical research
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