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High School Chemistry Classroom Questioning Strategy Research Under The Background Of New Curriculum

Posted on:2015-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
High school chemistry classroom teaching should fully reflect the core of the newcurriculum concept,in order to the development of each student. Question is an importantcarrier of the classroom teaching, it is the most widely used means of teaching. Design andthe problem played a dominant role in the teaching process. The effect of classroomquestioning directly affects the further development of students. Therefore,the research onclassroom questioning has important practical significance for the development of studentsin classroom teaching.The results of the survey show that classroom questioning is affected by many factors.The teachers’ and students’ understanding of classroom questioning, The existing chemicalknowledge experiences of the students. Definition of the teachers’ classroom questioning,the difficulty of the problem, and the use of teachers’ classroom questioning all affect theeffect of classroom questioning.In this paper, under the guidance of "classroom questioning" related theory, Throughthe form of questionnaire investigation, class observation, Investigation on the currentsituation of high school chemistry classroom questioning and analytical thinking, On thebasis,Combined with our own classroom teaching practice accumulation, To probe theoptimization strategy of high school chemistry classroom questioning. From the followingthree aspects:the problems of design, the implementation of classroom questioning and thereflections on questions, puts forward some suggestions in order to optimize theclassroom questioning.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school chemistry, classroom questioning, optimization strategy
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