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Research On The Ecological Civilization Behevior Cultivated Education Of College Students

Posted on:2016-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330464474005Subject:Marxist theory
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The report of Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC clearly recommends to promote the construction of ecological civilization and strengthen the education of ecological civilization.With the development of the construction of ecological civilization,colleges are placing more focus on ecological civilization education of college students, to promote college students ’ cognitive level of ecological civilization and continuously.However,on the present situation of the college students ’ ecological civilization,knowledge and behavior is different in a large extent.highlighted in the ecological responsibility awareness,lack of awareness of ecological civilization.This shows imbalance exists in the ecological civilization quality education in universities,especially the cultivation education of ecological civilization has not yet attended. Ecological civilization education as an important aspect of quality education in University,embodies Eco-civilization construction keeping pace with the process of quality education. The essence of education is using the culture’s influence on education to achieve the objectives and requirements.Ecological culture construction on campus is an important carrier to carry out the education of ecological civilization.Ecological culture construction on campus as the organic composition, also have a educational function.By strengthening the construction of an ecological culture,to ply the educational role of ecological culture,to carry out the behavior of ecological civilization education,should be an important task of ecological civilization education in the new era.Ecological civilization behavior education of college students is based on the construction and development of ecological civilization and people’s way of life,combined with the appeal of ecological civilization culture,guided by the ecological values,through the practice of ecological culture construction in universities,emphasis on cultivating college students ’ ecological habits,strengthen the sense of ecological culture,efforts to achieve the organic unity between ecological behavior training of college students ’ and ecological cultivation awareness in a quality-oriented education.Correctly understanding and grasping the concept and properties of ecological culture in university.Itsbetter to contribute ecological civilization education.Campus ecological culture is according to the requirements of Eco-social development for education and ecological culture by staff in university,created in college education, show new ecological requirements of civilized values, with the ecological characteristics of the campus building environment,cultural activities and regulations,and reflected the ideology of common value orientation between teachers and students.From the perspective of ecological culture to explore the campus ecological civilization behavior cultivation education,we have to know something about the culture that it reflects.Campus ecological culture idea’s will advance the mode of ecological civilization behavior education,distinct ecological humanism in campus strengthen the cultural connotation of ecological civilization behavior education,campus ecological uniqueness of the cultural landscape can help create ecological environment for education required,rich ecological cultural activities is an important ecological platform for the ecological habit civilization,reasonable campus Eco-campus system mainly contribute to ecological behavior.From the perspective of ecological culture to explore the campus ecological civilization behavior cultivation education,We also have to realize the impact ecological culture mechanism in the process of ecological civilization education.It’s mainly performance that ecological and cultural values as a guide for the ecological habit civilized,ecological culture is an important basis for ecological civilization behavior,Eco-system culture is an important guarantee for ecological civilization education,Eco-spiritual culture is an important orient for ecological civilization behavior.Study on ecological civilization education of college students in ecology civilized behavior guided by the theory of culture,attached great importance to the cultivation of ecological cultural values,continuously strengthen the students ’ awareness of ecological culture,to improve the quality of ecological culture,all of this has a close relationship for ecological culture in campus,strengthening campus culture construction is an effective way to strengthen the ecological civilization education of college students.For this reason,Colleges and universities should pay attention to cultivation of college students ’ ecological and cultural values,guide college students to become an Eco-cultural awareness,attention to learn ecological culture of college,enhance students ’ Eco-cultural identity ecological civilization in practices,campus ecological culture systemas a function to standardize the behavior of college students.College students ’ self-education as a fundamental,school of education as a main subject,social effects of education as a supplement,to improve the quality of ecological culture.To guide and improve the campus ecological culture construction,through the ecological environment of the campus culture construction,to create a good Eco-culture environment for college students,through campus ecological culture activities,give a good educational practice platform for college students ’ ecological behavior.through the Eco-system of campus culture construction,provide the necessary guarantee for students’ of ecological habit, through Eco-spiritual and cultural construction in campus,to provide a good orient for college students ’ ecological civilization dynamic behavior.
Keywords/Search Tags:College students, The behavior cultivated by ecological civilization education, Campus ecological culture
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