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Improve The Level Of Undergraduates’ Ideological And Political Education Scientific Research

Posted on:2014-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330452968011Subject:Principle of Marxism
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It is said that youth are the hope of the nation, the Chinese nation’s future andhopes rely on the youth. Youth scrappily undergraduates’ ideological and politicalqualities decide our nation modernization construction and development. Therefore,ideological and political education is the important tings of undergraduates’development and colleges’ cultivating. The scientific level of ideological and politicaleducation is also the key factor of teaching and cultivating level. However, with thedeepening of social reform, undergraduates’ ideological and moral qualities and therequirements of the party and the state and the actual needs of the student’s own growth,there is still a big gap. Therefore, how to improve the level of scientific ideological andpolitical education is the current and future ideological and political education work inthe practical problems to be solved.This article on the basis of previous studies, by the methods of literature study,questionnaire, discussion on the problems existing in the ideological and politicaleducation, and on the basis of analyzing the reason for the problem, mainly from theideological and political education content, education methods, the three aspects ofeducation effect evaluation, to constantly improve the level of undergraduates’ideological and political education scientific research progress:First of all, through the scientific ideological and political education level in thisthesis the analysis of basic concept and management system in the theory and the Marxperson’s full scale development theory and other related theory, further grasp the connotation and essence of scientific ideological and political education; On this basis,the correct understanding of the ideological and political education in the scientificacademic scientific research, personnel training and ideological and political educationpractice scientifically the relationship between the three dimensions.Second, by students and teachers questionnaire, data analysis and data check,summarized the process of ideological and political education of college students carryout specific analysis on the main problems and: First: the students lack ofunderstanding of the importance of ideological and political education in learning;Second: the ideological and political education content is simple, vague, from thestudent actual, lack of attraction and appeal; Third: to carry out the effectiveimplementation way of ideological and political education research is not enough,education method is not scientific; Fourth: the ideological and political education workof the team together has not yet formed; Fifth: the effect of ideological and politicaleducation evaluation system is not sound.Finally, based on the analysis of the current ideological and political education basedon the cause of all kinds of problems in, mainly from improve the scientific level ofideological and political education content, education method, the scientific level andthe scientific level of education effect evaluation, to improve the level ofundergraduates’ ideological and political education scientific framework system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Undergraduates, the ideological and political education, Scientific, The scientific level
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