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Teaching Design And Practice On The Intergration Of Modern Educational Technology And Senior High School Chemistry Curriculum

Posted on:2015-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431996865Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern Educational Technology in high school chemistry class is theimplementation of the new curriculum and the requirements of improving teaching quality,which inevitably lead to changes in chemistry class and bring new challenges to teachingchemistry class. By integrating modern educational technology from the high schoolchemistry curriculum perspective, fully absorbing the existing research results, combiningwith the characteristics and specific high school chemistry teaching practice, we explore againand again, and strive to be innovative from the perspective of high school chemistry teacher.The main work done in the following four areas:1. through questionnaires, interviews and other methods, we understand the Henanmodern educational technology in high school chemistry curriculum application. Surveyshows that the majority of high schools in our province are equipped with modern educationaltechnology hardware and software-based high school chemistry curriculum integration, inwhich92.1%of the school building multimedia classrooms,89.4%of teachers often use PPTcourseware; teachers also recognized from the concept the modern educational technology inchemistry teaching.2.combined with the specific teaching practice and exploration, we discusses thespecific model of modern educational technology and high school chemistry curriculumintegration and summarizes studies of modern educational technology methods and strategiesin high school chemistry curriculum integration. 3.We select PEP "methane" and "versatile metal materials," to design specificteaching cases and conduct materials analysis and teaching reflection.4.Select two classes conducted experiments comparing the two specific programsof teaching practice, through questionnaires, interviews and other methods to evaluate theresults of the data analysis showed that: the use of modern educational technology in teachingcan promote students’ knowledge of memory; may promote students’ knowledge of theapplication; may correct attitude towards learning, improve student motivation to learn, toenhance students ’interest in learning; applications in chemistry teaching modern educationaltechnology, students’ knowledge becomes widely, acquiring, analyzing and processinginformation capacity has been strengthened. Through interviews with students, found thatstudents willing to accept modern educational technology to actively participate, summarize,compare, summarize, and the ability to express and so on have also been improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern educational Technology, High school, chemistry Curriculum, IntegrationClassroom
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