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Research On Attitude Of Special Education Teacher With "Combine Medicine And Education"

Posted on:2015-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431489896Subject:Special education
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Although scholars have different views to the combine of medicine andeducation,the main attention is combine medicine and education to promote thedevelopment of children with special needs. Combining medicine and educationrecognize the diversity and complexity of disability,from medicine perspective use ofdrugs、surgery and other medical rehabilitation to improve their function,and also uselanguage rehabilitation,job rehabilitation,counseling and other services,in addition,from education perspective concerns the development of children. The focus ofcombining medical and education not on the“medical”or “educate” but ratheremphasize the combination of both. Because of the type、degree of disability anddifferent ages of children,their educational needs are different. If use a single meansof education or medical instruments, maybe have effects, but only limited to somespecific areas. It is only when combine of two methods can we achievecomplementary advantage and maximize the benefits. The study form thecontroversial topical of”combining medicine and education”Through the survey ofspecial teachers comprehension and attitude towards“combine medicine andeducation”,the rationality and feasibility of “combine medicine and education”,understanding the special teacher’s the acceptance of“combine medicine andeducation”,the willingness and difficulties of implement “combine medicine andeducation”.From the survey explore the best practices in special education suited toChina's national conditions, to promote the development and reform of specialeducation, provides useful reference to “combine medicine and education”mode.This study use of questionnaire and interview,184teachers of special educationschool accept the attitude survey of “combining medicine and education”, weconclude:1.Special education teachers have positive attitude with “combine medicine andeducation”2.“Combine medicine and education” can promote the development of specialeducation3.The implementation of “combine medicine and education” have someresistanceWe recommend:1.Protect the “combine medicine and education” through legislation2.Reform the model of special education teacher training and the curriculum3.Explore the integration mode of special education professional team 4.Reform the personnel system of school...
Keywords/Search Tags:special education teacher, combine medicine education, attitude
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