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The Study Of Teachers’ Listening Skills In Class In Junior High School

Posted on:2014-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y GongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the current junior high school Chinese language teaching, many teachers lackawareness of listening to the students. There are also some problems in their listeninghabits, which caused a lot of negative consequences in students’ learning, affectingclassroom teaching efficiency. Therefore, the call to listen to the students returns toconsciousness, and it also will improve the teachers’ classroom listening skills, thereby itwill promote the formation of a wonderful diverse Chinese language teaching class, andhow to improve teaching efficiency becomes a valuable research topic.This paper is firstly being interpreted from the theoretical level "classroom listeningskills", including the relevant concepts and characteristics. By analyzing the status andattribution of the junior high school “Chinese language teachers’ classroom listeningskills", the paper tries to put forward countermeasures to improve teachers’ classroomlistening skills, and optimize the language teaching in the classroom.In the first chapter the author describes "classroom listening" theoretically, relatedconcepts, characteristics and importance. In Chapter II, the author uses questionnaires,student interviews and classroom observations and other practical aspects to analyze thestatus and problems appeared in junior high school language teaching classroom, and givefurther analysis of the underlying causes from a series of characterized problems. ChapterIII is the most important chapter, the author analyzes the problems and the causes in thesecond chapter to talk about the strategies, which calls the teachers’ consciousness oflistening to the students primarily from the ideological level, and states out that theclassroom listening content and methods from the practical level.In the process of representation, the author mainly combines theoretical analysis,questionnaires, student interviews, case studies, classroom observations, theoreticalreflections and empirical researches to elaborate teachers’ listening skills.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school, Chines language teachers, classroom listening, presentsituation, Strategy
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