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The Government Purchase Pre-school Services Research

Posted on:2015-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330422982571Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Government procurement of public service as a public service of the government supplyof new ideas, new ways, in recent years many in our country to practice basic public services,access to considerable development and improving.Pre-school education is an integral part of the socialist education is a public utility,with a strong welfare and public welfare. In this paper, recent hot pre-school development asthe theme, from the perspective of government procurement of public services for the studyof Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, according to the proposed " government to exploreways to buy preschool education " school of thought as well as provincial and municipal threelevels of government on pre-school development planning goals, combined with pre-schoolinstitutions in Guangzhou and the public survey results from Guangzhou preschool supplyand demand analysis, analyzes inadequate Guangzhou preschool services still exist feasibilitydiscussed ways to promote government procurement of public services preschooldevelopment and the model can be used to purchase.The topic of this paper, the research background, significance, research statusdeparture, based on the sort of theoretical concepts related to the core content and research onin-depth analysis of Guangzhou preschool supply, demand, mining currently existGuangzhou preschool inadequate; and thus demonstrate the necessity and feasibility ofpurchasing Guangzhou preschool; Finally, based on the principles of governmentprocurement of public services to elucidate the specific buying patterns and the correspondingregulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public services, government purchases, preschool, mode
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