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Error Analysis On Verb Use In English Writing Of Rural Junior Middle School Students

Posted on:2015-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330422976290Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Influenced by the globalization of economy and society, learning English hasbecome a trend, especially in China. With the development of English education,more and more people have focused on errors which are committed by students in theprocess of English learning. Therefore, the theory of error analysis has been widelywelcomed by many experts, scholars and teachers who are at home and abroad. ErrorAnalysis is the study of error itself, which is a branch of applied linguistics. However,many researches about errors are about college students or high school students, fewof them are about junior middle school students, as for the researches about ruraljunior middle school students are much less. The English education is much poorer inmany remote rural areas than in developed areas because of imbalance of economicdevelopment in China. So the thesis mainly analyzes the errors which are committedby rural junior middle school students.There are three theories which the thesis is based on, namely Contrastive Analysis,Error Analysis and Language Transfer. The author analyzes the errors of verb use inEnglish writing of rural junior middle school students by the three theories. So theresearch purpose of the study is to improve the accuracy of verb use in writing forrural junior middle school students, moreover, which is to provide rural junior middleschool English teacher with instructive suggestions on teaching. And what’s more, thethesis aims to answer the following questions:1. What kinds of verb errors that rural junior middle school students commitfrequently?2. What causes result in these errors in students’ writing?3. What are the implications for teachers and students?There are308verb errors in the60collected compositions by analyzing. Ruraljunior middle school students easily commit types of verb errors including be verbs,the third person singular of verbs, tense, wrong form after modal verbs, wrong formafter auxiliary verbs, verb omission, verb spelling and verb mismatched, and findingthat these errors are largely determined by the rules of target language through contrastive analysis. Tense, be verbs and the third person singular of verbs are the topthree among the types of verb errors, and the percentage is36.69%,18.19%and9.09%, respectively.There are two main causes which resulted in these errors after analyzing: onecause is that deeply influenced by the mother tongue, which is influenced by thenegative transfer from the mother tongue. The other is lacking knowledge of targetlanguage, which represents lacking vocabulary, grammar and cultures. And throughdeeply analyzing, the author finds that these verb errors are mainly derived frominterlingual errors and intralingual errors.At last, some helpful suggestions are proposed for education in English in ruraljunior middle school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Error Analysis, verb use, rural junior middle school students, English writing
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