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An Investigation On High School Students’Curriculum Identity About Project-based Learning

Posted on:2013-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330371471319Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
One course’s value and whether it should be set up or not, on one hand is determined by teacher’s evaluation, on the other hand is based on the attitudes of students who learn this course. Therefore, students become one of the main factors to determine the value of the course. The focus of the project-based learning is based on students’ self-inquiry. The course emphasizes question-formation from the main inquiry, concerns about the students’ interest and experience, establishes relationship between the curriculum and the real world. It gets methods of solving problems from students’ own experience. The aims of project-based learning are the development of creative thinking, the experience of creative emotions and the cultivation of scientific spirit, innovative spirit and practical ability. It can not be separated from the student’s self-construction. The investigation of high school students’ curriculum identity of project-based learning includes eight different dimensions:curriculum value, curriculum objective, curriculum-setting, curriculum content, curriculum implementation, curriculum resources, curriculum evaluation and curriculum management. The implementation of the investigation is based on literature analysis through questionnaires, interviews and observation in the view of student. According to the in-depth analysis of the presented survey data, we can find out the real attitudes and requirements of high school students’ curriculum identity in Chongqing as well as the real situation of project-based learning’s implementation of Chongqing, in order to exploring the main affecting factors and giving proposals of promoting the project-based learning.According to statistics, high school students’ curriculum identity on the various dimensions recognized by the mean from high to low is curriculum content, curriculum implementation, curriculum values, curriculum-setting, curriculum evaluation, curriculum objective, curriculum management, curriculum resources. Combined with interviews’ information, the researcher gets conclusions as follows:the students in Chongqing’s high school have relatively high curriculum identity about project-based learning, in which the students’ curriculum identity in regular schools are better than those in key schools, the boys’curriculum identity are almost equal to the girls and the students’curriculum identity in grade one are better than those in grade two, city students’ curriculum identity are better than countryside. Meanwhile, high school students’ curriculum identity in curriculum resources and management is lower. It suggests that curriculum resources and management are the weak link of the implementation of project-based leaning. In addition, collage entrance examination and the existing project-based learning evaluation mechanisms affect the enthusiasm of students’participation in project-based learning according to the statistics. Therefore, curriculum evaluation needs to be further improved.To the end, the researcher puts forward proposals from the perspectives of education administrative departments, school, teacher, student, expert, family and evaluation. The educational administrative is the starter of the smooth implementation of project-based learning; school is a coordinator of the smooth implementation of project-based learning; teachers are the main force; students are the main participants; experts are the drive; family is reserve; evaluation is the pilot beacon. Only clear the responsibilities of the various parts can create a favorable social environment to promote the implementation of project-based learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:project-based learning, curriculum identity, high school student
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