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Research On The Government Regulation Of China’s Internet Finance

Posted on:2017-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X A ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330503459516Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The Internet finance" in recent years China, can be used regularly to describe. Whether it is a Internet Co expand, won a space for one person in the financial markets, or traditional financial institutions in financial disintermediation, Internet forward. There is no doubt that the Internet and financial integration of China has been in the depth of the formation of a new financial format, and has quickly become one of China’s investment and financing channels, shouldering the inclusive financial responsibilities, provide strong support for the construction of the real economy in China.First of all, The Internet finance has a financial intermediary to the characteristics, broaden the channels of direct financing in our country, further covers the traditional financial institutions ignore the "grassroots" customers, achieve inclusive financial effect, which led to the enthusiasm of the public entrepreneurship, innovation. At the same time, The Internet finance is the interest rate market pioneer and promoter, promote the process of China’s financial market. Pure internet financial transactions online, virtual customer experience, greatly saves the consumption of resources, saving the financial costs, direct investment and financing to improve the efficiency, speed up the market economy.But it is also the Internet Financial inherent concealment, cause easily lead to illegal behavior, illegal fund-raising fraud, which provided convenience, and government regulation has not been in place in the background, let the criminals have to take advantage of the machine. Secondly, the Internet Financial itself is innovative and forward-looking, but also to advance supervision caused certain difficulty. Then caused the Internet financial regulatory vacuum and regulatory lag in the long-term situation. The Internet financial development in our country, government is always in a wait-and-see position, let its barbaric growth, to the spectators rather than development of The Internet finance regulators attitude observation. But the recent two years, the government gradually realized the necessity and urgency of supervision, government supervision gradually strengthened. But at the same time the regulatory loopholes also gradually, P2 P lending platform network fraud, run away phenomenon is still growing, a series of problems similar to the E platform to rent treasure concentrated outbreak, so that investors suffered huge economic losses. The reason is mainly the current Internet financial supervision exists the following problems:(1) the regulatory body is not determined, the regulatory boundary is fuzzy.(2) no relevant legislation and regulations and enforcement can refer to.(3) the information disclosure mechanism is not perfect, misleading or conceal consumer behavior.(4) the credit system is not perfect, credit report authority is not enough.(5) the Internet financial company security risk control is weak. These problems should be paid attention to regulators and take measure to solve.This paper learn from foreign advanced experience of The Internet finance supervision, the supervision mode, combined with the actual situation of China’s Internet financial development, and the system of financial supervision in China, the emergence of the Internet in financial supervision problems can not only effective supervision of illegal chaos, to protect the financial interests of consumers at the same time, the relationship of moderation the right balance between innovation and supervision of regulatory restrictions, to guide Internet financial norms, healthy and fast development of the channel, regulators can take measures to:(1) to determine the subject of supervision, supervision and supervision division boundary between subjects should be coordinated, to achieve synergy takeover.(2) we should speed up the establishment of Internet financial legal system, the legislative supervision as the starting point.(3) the government should disclose the mechanism of supervision of Internet financial companies to establish information transparency requirements, easy to understand, is obliged to make investors understand.(4) to protect the financial interests of consumers as the object of supervision, effectively protect consumers, to avoid the economic losses.(5) government led the establishment of large data credit system, credit enhance the breadth and depth of credibility.(6) to strictly control the safety risk, the operation and maintenance of safety supervision system into.Based on the analysis of the above regulatory measures, this article draws the conclusion: effective supervision will be conducive to the healthy development of The Internet finance.purify the situation for illegal dragons and fishes jumbled together, early warning. Take real-time tracking and monitoring, timely stop the illegal behavior, to safeguard the financial interests of the same time, appropriate supervision to promote internet financial innovation, supervision of the appropriate one can create a space for the development of health, on the other hand can give innovation a relaxed environment, to further promote China’s economic transformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Finance, Government, Supervision
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