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Study On The Legal Problems Of Unmarried Cohabitation

Posted on:2017-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330491455373Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, under the drive of the policy of reform and opening up, China’s economic development very rapidly, people’s living standard has risen, unmarried cohabitation this phenomenon is becoming more and more popular and gradually into the people’s vision to become the modern people a new mode of life. In our country, from the legal level did not to the behavior of unmarried cohabitation ban, provisions about it in the legal system also has not reflected, making some problems not to solve the corresponding. According to this problem, the author puts forward the corresponding measures to solve this problem from the legal aspect. This is the purpose of the author to explore this article.Unmarried cohabitation is implemented without a legal marriage relationship between men and women willing to live together, the social status of unmarried cohabitation triggered both sides of human body, property, children and unmarried cohabitation. China’s existing laws about unmarried cohabitation both sides of human body, property, children and other provisions of the property is not perfect, is not conducive to resolve the various problems arising from unmarried cohabitation. In this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the existing legal problems. In humans, the provisions of the premarital cohabitation of the elements of the establishment in accordance with the provisions of the substantial requirement and the formal requirement, clear the identities of both sides of the unmarried cohabitation. Property, the establishment of the contract first separate property system, supplemented by the premarital cohabitation of the property system and the provisions of the statutory right of inheritance and also compensation system more comprehensive protection of unmarried cohabitation was the property rights and interests. Children, to protect the interests of children under the cohabitation. Finally, of unmarried cohabitation termination methods and procedures have also done a detailed specification, which makes non marital cohabitation has complete legal norm on the whole, in the angle of the law protects the rights and interests of the parties of unmarried cohabitation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unmarried cohabitation, personal relations, property relations, parent-child relationship
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