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A Comparative Study Of Foreign Human Resource Immigration Policies In China And Korea

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Hong Gi Ran H Z LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330488952142Subject:Administrative Management
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With the development of globalization, the number of international migrants is also growing. Human resource is the essential factor that promotes national economic growth, makes a country richer and stronger. Thus, all countries, gradually, pay much more attention to it by training domestic qualified people, and meanwhile introducing qualified people from other countries.China and Korea are not traditional migrant countries, but they both, based on their own national condition, setup the policy about foreign human resource to introduce scarce qualified people from other countries in time, which is to improve the competitiveness of a country, enhance comprehensive national power in a long term.This article, proceeding from both China’s and Korea’s current national conditions, studies two countries’visa policies which are made to promote their economy. It will mainly analyze how their immigration policies and residence policies affect each country’s talents introduction. There are two kinds of visa for people going to work in Korea:one for experts and the other for the non-professional. The features of these two kinds of visas are as follows: 1) Individuals-orientation.2)There are some support policies for small and medium enterprises.3) Exchange students in Korea can get employment visas after graduating.4) The system of grading is invoked on the residency applications of talents.China issues the high-end talents with R visa, and Z visa are issued to foreigners who have labor contracts of working in China. The features of these two kinds of visas are as following:1)They obey the principle of the party being in charge of talents.2) They focus on bringing in overseas top talents to China, and bringing in the overseas experts is in the late period of "the Thousands Talents Plan".3) Foreign students without labor contracts are not allowed to stay in China, which causes the difficulty of taking advantage of them after they graduate.4) Permanent Residency is only for overseas high-level talents and their relatives. According to those features, I’m here to make some suggestions. To Korea:1) have researches on markets and talents, optimize the classification of visas 2) step up the effort on selecting exchange students to Korea considering its current condition, adopt better preferential policy on science and engineering students, set the national scholarship. To China:1) have a further refinement on the classification of R visa and Z visa.2)ameliorate the condition of residence, employment, social security for those foreigners who have Z visa.3)establish a specific institution for visa application and simplify the process of getting a visa.4)adopt more flexible policy about bringing in top-notch talents to small and medium enterprises.5) make full use of international students resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:human immigration in China and Korea, visa system, professional and non-professional manpower, permanent residence policy
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