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The Research On Legal Protection Of Intangible Culture Heritage Inheritance In Ningxia

Posted on:2017-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330485974044Subject:Jurisprudence - jurisprudence theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Excellent intangible cultural heritage belongs to human cultural heritage, from life production practice, with multiple values. Thus must be respected and protected,the law support essential nature, to ensure that intangible cultural heritage protection into the stage of rule of law in our country. However, the law only provides the administrative protection, and the principle, the lack of detailed rules for the implementation of law operation flexibility, is not conducive to effective protection of intangible cultural heritage in our country, the government in the inheritance and protection of Chinese intangible cultural heritage "fly", make the inheritance legal protection "shout slogan" stage. With the high speed of modern gear, the intangible cultural heritage in seeking survival at the same time, gradually highlighting its economic value, followed by a series of related legal problems become more and more. The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region as a multi-ethnic settlements in our country, its rich intangible cultural heritage type, characteristic, in the country and its place in world historical and cultural treasure house. Therefore, the author hope "to the point will face", through the way of practice research study of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region non-material cultural heritage inheritance legal protection present situation, problems and their reasons, and based on this puts forward related Suggestions.First of all, from the macro level analyzes the actual state of legislation in the protection of intangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage inheritance detailed observation of the present stage our country academia research status quo of legal protection, find out problems, summarizes the research in doubt. Secondly, on the basis of in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region non-material cultural heritage legal protection for empirical research. Specific to "two main line, four side object" on-the-spot investigation, "two lines" refers to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region non-material cultural heritage of the inheritance law of intangible cultural heritage protection and reality development and utilization of related practical problems as well as the related legal problems; "Quartet" refers to the protection of intangible cultural heritage related departments; Inheritance; The crowd; Social organization object, finally the empirical analysis study of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region non-material cultural heritage inheritance law protection problems and their reasons.Finally, through theoretical analysis, macro micro representational research, finally pointed the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is given intangible cultural heritage inheritance law protection Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, intangible cultural heritage, inherit, protect, law
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