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Marx Person’s Full Scale Development And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2017-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330485452513Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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Man’s all-round development is the highest ideal of Marx and the core idea of Marx’s research theory. In the perspective of historical materialism, Marx made every effort to realize the liberation of human beings and make human return the true nature. The theory is highly critical of human nature’s devastation and alienation because of capitalism, profoundly revealing the fate of the people bound by alien force. Therefore, Marx called that only all mankind into the communist society, people can truly realise the liberation and development.In modern times, with the rapid development of science and technology, It occurs that the economic, political, cultural and ecological development are disharmony with people’s development which is ignored. With the dependence on the material and alien force performance prominent, more attention is fixed on the research of human’s development. China is a socialist country, so we must take the interest of the people as the fundamental point. The Communist Party of China combines the human’s all-around development of Marx with China’s social development level, especially the presence of the "China dream" and "four comprehensive" strategy layout, which means that the state and the Party pay more attention to the people’s development.This thesis is discusses from four parts. The first part is introduction, which analyzes the background and significance of the topic and explains the value of the this topic,connecting with the social development. This part also combines with the domestic and foreign related research.And methods of literature research, historical logic and systemic induction also applied to the whole thesis. The second part elaborates the theory evidence. On the background of Capitalist Social development, Marx absorbed the rational part of these predecessors’ researches, such as ancient Greece, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the Idealistic, and successfully created the theory of man’s all-round development. The third part, the key point of the thesis, elaborates the main content of the theory and conditions which can change theory into posibility. To realize person’s full development and make man become a real man, highly developed productive forces,elimination of private ownership and the old-style division of labor, enrichment for people’s social relations, as well as the development of education and human’s initiative are necessary.The fourth part is not only the focus, but also be the difficult part. According to the current development of China and under the guide of Marx’s theory, this part analyzes the contemporary value of the theory, which can be summarized as "four offers". The first offer provides theoretical basis for building a harmonious socialist society; the second provides value standard for the realisation of "four comprehensive" strategic layout; the third provides orientation o buildChina’s dream; the forth provides the philosophical basis for the pursuit of communist highest ideal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Man’s all-round development, The contemporary value
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