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On The Regulation Of Network Transaction About Commercial Law

Posted on:2016-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Network transaction is a new kind of business behavior in the global economic integration era, with its advantages of time and space, speed advantage, cost advantage, information advantage, etc., by the government and the community’s wide use, and get rapid development, become an important part of the business model. However, the academic research and the legislation of the network business behavior system is still in the initial stage. In this article, the author describes the concept and characteristics of network transactions, and analyzes the necessity of network transaction regulation in the third chapter, the main network transaction fraud phenomenon and the new things, such as two perspectives. In the fourth chapter, the author combines the specific characteristics of the trade of the network and the traditional civil and commercial law, the two aspects of business subject and business behavior pointed out the shortcoming of network transaction regulation of commercial law, and in chapter five deeply traditional commercial law basic principles, and thus to find network transaction law regulation of important theoretical support. In the last chapter, the author puts forward the corresponding solutions based on the problem analysis and principle, from the perspective of commercial law, such as the main types of the main types of network transactions, determine the scope of network dealers, the use of standard network transaction format and improve the processing mechanism of online transactions.
Keywords/Search Tags:network transaction, commercial law system, business subject, business behavior
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