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The Research On Youth Affairs Management Mode Under Governance Perspective

Posted on:2015-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330476453740Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Youths are the future of our country, hopes of our nation and import human resources of Chinese economic and social development. Countries worldwide pay more and more attentions to youth affair management and have implemented it as a strategic subject to effect the long-term interests for the social development of the whole country. Our government has attached much importance to the management of youth affairs, regarded it as a significant component of social construction and valued it highly as our Party’s course from generations to generations.The Third Plenary Session of the 18 th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed the reforms for the social construction, namely, from social management to social governance and gradually forming a pattern of“smaller the government and larger the society”. Under such reforming environment, the management of youth affairs is supposed to undergo a major reform and adjustment. From the perspective of social governance, the youth affairs are necessarily administered by diversified management main bodies.The power distribution, responsibility division and interaction relations between them and the issue how we can transform the current government-led youthAffair management into a new one that is based on diversified management main bodies are tremendously significant to the development of youth affair management in China.This thesis, from the perspective of social governance and based on theories of governance, studies the formation and interactive relationships of the diversified management main bodies of youth affair management. For one thing,the current formation of the main bodies of youth affair management is summarized. For another, it studies and analyses the functional orientation and administrative power of the management main bodies and taking Tongxiang city as an example with concrete analysis of the interactive mode and behavior logic when administering between each management main body, puts forward the existing major problems.Meanwhile, this thesis focuses on three types of domestic and foreign management mode: government-led, autonomous and mixed. After the analysis of functional orientation and interactive form of each management main body, it illustrates how to administer function for each body, how to establish a good interactive mechanism and summarizes successful experience and inspirations that are beneficial to the construction of the youth affair management mode.Through research, this thesis argues that for the reason that our country is in the transitional period from social management to social governance we can foresee that the major part of future youth affair management will be separated from the traditional Party’s administrative management to be guided by political parties, managed by government, committed by society and participated by youths, which will shift the youth affair management from traditional rigid political operation command to socialized operation guided by political parties.Constructing a new youth affair management mode is beneficial to clarifying of the responsibilities of each management main body, coordinating their interest relationships and to the betterment of integrating the social resources, thus promoting the youth affair management to a higher level.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Perspective of Social Governance, Youth Affair Management Mode, research
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