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The Study On New Drug Crime Prevention

Posted on:2016-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470461438Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 21 st century, with the rapid economic and social development, the impact of globalization, driven by the interests and the pursuit of an exciting life and consumption patterns, such as alienation ideological influence, a new type of drug abuse is increasing. Of drug-related crimes are showing from the traditional to the new type of drug-related crimes and drug offenses transition traditional drug offenses and drug-related crime novel superposition state, the new drug crime rampant. Drug-related crimes, the world’s hazards like black plague damaging people’s health has seriously affected the social stability and development. Faced with diversified sources of new drugs, new drug abuse and drug manufacturing diversification, drug trafficking, drug abuse integration trend is obvious, and the drug cartels of vicious violence brings increased organizational reality, although in the national police, the judiciary under the joint efforts of seized a batch after batch of drug-related cases and to combat the drug-related criminal offenders, significant achievements, but the new drug-related crimes are still repeated. Therefore, to eliminate the hazards of new drugs, it is necessary to cure the symptoms but also, most importantly, at the beginning of the anti-drug elimination from the source of new drug-related crime, the rule of law under the overall situation, knowing the teachings of the majority of law-abiding citizens, strengthen new drug crime prevention. This article related to access to a lot of new drugs and crime prevention research results, combined with our relevant statistical data systematically theoretical analysis of new drug-related crimes, and strive for new drug crime control measures and propose practical ways to reduce. The new drug-related crimes occur. Not only helps to enrich the research-related aspects of drug control, to stabilize the country’s economic development and social harmony and the building also has great significance.This article is divided into four parts. The first part of the introduction, explain the source of this problem, the basis and significance, research status and research methods. The first chapter describes the concept, the new types of drugs and the harm of drugs and drug-related crimes connotation of new drug crime definitions, characteristics. The second chapter summarizes the new drug crime trends and conduct causes. The third part of the reality of China’s national conditions and new combination drug crimes, noting that the new focus on prevention of drug crime, the need to establish a comprehensive prevention and control system, innovative institutional mechanisms, so that the whole society to cherish life, resolutely curb the spread of the development of the drug problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Drugs, Crime, Prevention, System
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