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Research On Perfecting Legal System Of Circular Economy In China

Posted on:2016-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467996256Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the economic development and the environment have become increa singly demanding, resource shortage problem has become increasingly prominent, thi s creates a conflict between environment and economy, in order to resolve this cont radiction, theory of circular economy bred. Developing circular economy, perfect the le gal system of circular economyin China is to realize coordinated development of resource s, environment,economic unity of effective measures and inevitable choice.Research on circular economy in foreign countries started earlier, theidea can be trac ed in the1960of the20th century, has gone throughvarious stages of development, an d gradually formed a complete theory ofcircular economy and legal system. Until brought t o the Chinese in the1990of the20th century the conceptof circular economy and get o ur attention, although the development ofcircular economy in China started late, low, but hi ghly valued, hasimproved steadily on the basis of our economy,2003has introduced thela w on clean production, which earlier played the equivalent role of thecircular economy law. But with China’s economic development, dependence on resources increases,the clean pro duction law cannot meet the needs of China’s economicdevelopment, and in this context, in2009, China has issued the circulareconomy promotion law. The circular economy promo tion law to perfect the legal system ofcircular economy in China has an important role. An d report of theparty’s18also attaches great importance to resource conservation andenvir onmental protection, the formation of large-scale circular economyto achieve a well-off s ociety goal.Perfecting the legal system of Recycle economy, first of all, we need todefine the circula r economy law. In the understanding of the emergenceand development of circular econom y based on background knowledge aboutthe formation of the circular economy law, finall y understand theconnotation and characteristics of circular economy law. Circular econom y concept are divided into General and special, along witheconomic development, the con cept of circular economy experienced fromnarrow to broad stages, most countries, includin g China, most scholarsadopted a broader concept. Perfect legal system of circular econom y in China, we must first understand the current construction of circulareconomic law in C hina.Second, foreign circulating economic development earlier, after manyyears of develop ment, has formed a relatively complete legal system forcircular economy. Germany and Ja pan is a fairly complete legal system of circular economydevelopment countries, United St ates is a legal system of circulareconomy in the older country, understand the basic legal sy stem ofcircular economy in developed countries, a comparative study of China’scircular ec onomy development situation, suitable for development ofChina’s advanced experiences fo r reference to perfect legal system ofcircular economy in China has played a very positiv e role as a catalystKey to solve the problem is internal, perfecting the recycling economy inthe internal le gal system ofcircular economy in China itself. Finding problems ofcircular economy la w, explore the causes of problems,learn from advanced experiences of other countries, fro m within and without to a solution to the problem of path. By understanding the present s ituation ofcircular economy law, found that problems exist in the legal system of circula r economy in China:theimperfect legal system ofcircular economy, circular economy la w system,incentive mechanism perfection, public participation is not high enough,governm ent responsibility is not perfect is not perfect, and so on. In understanding the current situ ation and issues on the basis of thespecific analysis of the causes of legal system of circula r economy in China. Are:China’s environment is complex, relevant legislation ofcircular e conomy attention later, legislative technology relateddepartmental conflict of interest, positi oning errors on the circulareconomy promotion law legislation; the lack of funds, weak tech nology;insufficient public awareness, participation is not strong, limitedparticipation leads t o participation, such as a mere formality.Analyze’s ultimate goal is to solve the problem, the article’s ultimateaim is to make rec ommendations for perfecting the recycling economy.Questions based on our country, from t he following five aspects ofperfecting the legal system ofcircular economy in China:lega1system ofcircular economy; the circular economy promotion law systems; incentivesguara ntee system; public hearings, public consciousness of governmentresponsibility and accoun tability procedures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Legal system of circular economy, incention system, the public toparticipate, government responsibilit
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