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The Systematic Studies On The Polices Of Respecting And Providing For The Old Of The Northern Wei Dynasty

Posted on:2016-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467994281Subject:Chinese history
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The Northern Wei Dynasty established by TuoBaXianBei vigorously promotedthe Polices of respecting and providing for the old(尊老养老政策)after it unified thewhole northern areas, whose mainly lies in promoting the “Filial Piety” ruling policyafter most emperors carried out learning the culture of Sinic. This paper tries toresearch the Polices of respecting and providing for the old enterprises,which will notonly construct the system of politics, economy and law, but also analyze the influenceof this polices which are summarized in this paper as follows:The first chapter is introduction. First is the predecessors’ research results fromthe general theory of research and studies after combing summary, which mainly tothe selected topic,the essay discusses the significance and research value. Then,reviewing and analyzing the political, legal and social three aspects of the relatedresearch results, summarized the development of focusing on respect for the elderlypension policy. Finally, the narrative approach of thinking and writing is the basis inthis paper.Chapter Two explains the political Polices of Respecting and Providing for theOld of the Northern Wei Dynasty, it mainly includes three basic comprising: First, itreviews the condoling old people who are divided into the emperor, angel, localofficials’ three conditions. Second, it discourses the filial commendation system,which mainly had incentive to filial piety and so on. Last, it shows the system ofBanshou is a significant and new official policy about elderly people. The object ofthe rewards covered every field of the society, which reflects the purpose of the rulersto maintain the regime by the rewards. In the end,this passage expounds the entiredand officer elder aiming to study the qualifications. this paper appears as a new typeof pension policy. In the Northern wei Dynasty, the respect for the elderly pension policies of the state political system have been enacted. Because of the rulers withrespect for the elderly policy to maintain the purpose of the regime.Chapter Three discusses the legal system about poicy of the Respecting andProviding for the Old of the Northern Wei Dynasty. They were divided into four sorts:First, The optimal punishment of the elderly is forgive under the specialcircumstances. Second, the unfilial crime. The unfilial crime had been taken seriouslyand put more and more serious. As the other articles of law goes gradually towardsbeing commuted and reprieved; Third,the commutation of filial piety due to treattheirs parents with filial piety, which mainly included the factor for their kids’filialpiety, because piety and for his commutation in order to help mother or fathercommunicate; parents commuted; Four, the convicted crimals take care of their old orsick parentsmoney, The point of the system is that the government gave up somepower of just ice so that people can take care of their parents. This tactic is firstly putinto practice,which help people to form the value of loyalty. Therefore, the legalsystem of the Northern Wei Dynasty has an important historical status in the Chinesefeudalistic legislative System.Chapter Four discourses the econmic Polices of Respecting and Providing forthe aged of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which discusses the three types. Fristly,reduction of rent for land and of enslavement was offered to the aged and the dutifulson. Then, the Material Rewards is based on the basic different comprising of theobject of the rewards. The high-ranking old and retired officials are given not only abass of basic necessities, but also the Jizhang and Anche(几杖安车)and so on,whichshows the preferential manner of government respect and support the aged.Meanwhile, the common old man and dutiful son’s reward is barely some basic livingarticles. Countries make advantage of all kinds of complex and ecomics measures toimprove the economic and political status of the elders and guarantee the basic life of old people.The last Chapter expounds the positive influence of polices of Respecting andProviding for the aged in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Quite as much, the Northern WeiDynasty attaches to the old man in which have positions of authority andgovernmental advisers when they retired. In this way do be beneficial to nationalpolitical and economic construction. Then again, the Respecting and Providing for theaged produced the core characteristic to govern the world by the filial piety politics,spreading this morals and maintaining its own rule. The rulers of Northern WeiDynasty to take an example to respect the elderly by taking over a variety of policiesto promote, forming a good moral habits, resulting in significant social effects in thesociety.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Northern Wei Dynasty, Respecting and Providing for the Old, Polices
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