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Comparative Study Of Hong Kong And The Mainland’s NGO-government Relationship

Posted on:2016-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467991251Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1970s, our country has implemented the reform and opening up policy,great changes have taken place in domestic political system, economic status andsocial structure, which leaded to people’s increasing demand for public service, thegovernment and the market cannot meet the needs of society because of its own defects.Under this background, NGO developed rapidly. Therefore, dealing with therelationship between the government and NGO becomes very important.The successful experiences of Hong Kong have high enlightenment and referencevalue to the mainland whose NGO is still under development. Based on this, this essayfocuses on the relationship between NGO and the government through comparativemeans, introduces the relevant theories of the current international academic circles,and take them as the framework of the research, regards Hong Kong and the mainlandas the research objects, expounds the general situation of both sides, conducts acomparative study from the perspective of NGO’s development, external political andeconomic environment, characteristics and existing insufficiencies, so as to the ways toimprove the mainland’s NGO and the government’s relationship, then put forwardrelevant suggestions for practical reference to promote of China’s NGO and thegovernment’s relationship, so that we can reach the goal of coordinated developmentand mutual benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:NGO, Government, Hong Kong, Mainland
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