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Legal Issues Of Consumer Claims In Food Safety Incidents

Posted on:2015-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467965355Subject:Economic law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hunger breeds discontentment, food safety related to the health of consumersand vital interests, related to corporate survival, national image. With the rapiddevelopment of social economy, the food material needs of consumers has beensatisfied, however, various problems with food field. Food safety incidents in recentyears, the frequent exposure, each one shocking.Indeed, in recent years our country in the aspects of food safety legislation,protection of consumers’ rights and interests have made great progress, but there arestill some shortcomings, such as food safety after the accident of food consumersrelief block, lack of food consumer compensation to Fu Bao barrier problem. In viewof the above problems, the author from China’s national conditions, some successfulexperience and combining with the foreign, resolving method to the problems fromthe food consumers, operators of food and national level. Specifically:The first part, introduction of related concepts of food safety and food claimshappened in recent years, with the typical food safety accidents and disposal of theresults leads to the theme of this paper, namely, in food safety accidents compensationright.The second part, according to the food safety accidents occur frequently, theauthor of our existing in the food industry claims dilemma from food consumers, foodoperators and national level, such as food enterprises lack of solvency, lack ofnational compensation payment security system etc..The third part, to the relief of the right food safety accident occurs block as thefoundation, put forward the corresponding improvement countermeasures, such as theestablishment of food safety to the rescue fund, the establishment of food safetyliability compulsory insurance.This paper studies the problem of food field claim, is a response to some newregulations in judicial practice and theoretical disputes; on the other hand, by studyingthe food problem, provide some reference to other areas of the right of claim.
Keywords/Search Tags:food safety, food consumers, right of claim
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