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Study On The Administrative Accountability System In The Perspective Of Public Participation

Posted on:2016-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M JuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467496105Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the people’s democratic ideas, democracy is not only a common political idea, but also become an accepted value system. From the beginning of2003,"SARS" let China’s administrative accountability system of governance into public view. At the same time, as a variant accountability way of citizen participation in administrative accountability have more and more attention from scholars and leaders. Today, the administrative accountability system in legal, institutional, theoretical and practical research scale already more and more complete. The enthusiasm of the political participation of citizens is getting higher and higher. Undoubtedly, citizen participation in administrative accountability system has become the requirement of the times and reform.But unfortunately, our administrative accountability system has just started, many of the problems exposed in the process of citizen participation in administrative accountability.This led our to think on citizen participation in administrative accountability system. The author used the citizen participation perspective, study about the present situation and try to find out suggestions of it.The structure of the thesis is mainly divided into three parts:introduction, body and conclusion. In the part of introduction introduces discusses the the background, purpose, significance, and method. The text includes the following parts:The first part, discusses the concept of administrative accountability system. Second part discusses the constituent elements of administrative accountability system. The third part, discuss the interaction between citizen participation and the administrative accountability system.The fourth part, discusses the problems in the process of the administrative accountability system. The last part, try to make a suggestion of the problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Citizen participation, The administrative accountabilitysystem, Interaction
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