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Research On The Current Situation And Countermeasures Of Legal Aid During The New Rural Construction

Posted on:2015-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467458931Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For such a large agricultural country, the farmers play an important role in promotingthe rural economic and social development of the country. With the deepening of the newrural construction, the changing relationship between rural production, the type of disputesbetween farmers became more complex and diverse. Increasingly complex and activeagricultural production activities and a wider range of peasant labor mobility, willinevitably lead to more disputes. Rural Legal Aid is an important part of our legal system,it plays the role of escorting for the new rural construction. Our Constitution provides that“citizens are equal before the law”, the effective implementation of rural legal aid canguarantee the equality that citizens entitled to legal protection justly. It is especially thatthe legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups can be effectively maintained. It ishelpful and conducive to promote stability and harmony in rural areas, and to build a newsocialist countryside smoothly.However, due to the lack of Rural Legal Aid system and the weakness of farmer’slegal awareness, the farmers usually take other ways to resolve disputes. Therefore, it isimportant and practical meaningful to further improve the legal aid system and to promotelegal aid in rural areas. We can safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmersgroups though these measures. The thesis is divided into six parts. The first part introducesthe research background and significance; summarying the research about the Rural LegalAid in our country and abroad, understanding the situation of scholars study about rurallegal aid; accounting of the papers ideas and the thesis innovations. In the second part, wedefines and analyzes the value of legal aid and new rural construction in rural legal aid;combing the relevant theoretical guidance and thesis writing. The third part we point outthe current situation of rural legal aid during the new rural construction, reveal the mainproblem of rural legal aid according to the government, farmers and social organization.The fourth part, we make in-depth analysis of the reasons that the probems exist in therural legal aid, through economic factors, own factors and the probiem in legal advocacy.The fifth part, we proposed countermeasures and suggestions about the aspect of thesystem from multiple systems, team building, fund raising, farmer’s rights awareness andadvocacy approaches, such as the development of rural legal aid. The sixth part is theconclusion of this article.The innovation of this paper is that we write it by a multidisciplinary perspective oflaw, management and sociology departure. Through in-depth interviews and casestudies,we make a comprehensive analysis of the diverse factors affecting rural legal aid and make a systematic study of its associated mechanism.We discusses the government,coupling between farmers and the elements of social organization.We point that theabsence of legal aid in rural dislocation government between supply and demand offarmers and social organizations. We proposed specific strategy that plays the role ofmaking various elements synergistic integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Countryside, Legal Aid, New Rural Construction, Value
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