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The Study On The Moral Issue Of Micro-blog’s Language

Posted on:2016-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461476312Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Micro-blog was welcome by more and more modern people as a fresh network social product. It not only made a great revolution of modern media, but the most important is bring us much freedom than the ever we had. We can do everything if we would like to do, even without the rule of realistic society. But much freedom did not bring happy to us, in contract, it bring sad and angry, even fool the people. Some people who use Micro-blogging to product cheat messages or freak information, some of people use voice violence to others. It causes a lot of problems in Micro-blogging space. Visible, the development of human technology has not led to moral progress together. However, Micro-blogging has a great influence on our realistic life; it also causes some society problem. So we should care this problem. Micro-blogging language is one of the latest issue of moral ideological and political education is facing.From now on, the recent academic research on moral education issues of Micro-blogging is not very improved in China. Morality is a special kind of ideology which is along with the social changes that caused by changed of people’s. So, if we want to fix the problem which in the space of Micro-blogging’s language, we have to take measures to do some educations on Micro-blogging’s morality.According to the ethical and moral principles, the language of Micro-blogging’s moral cultivation have one elemental mean, that is teach our people to obey the rules in network. We should use good and kind language on internet space. Otherwise, according to theoretical framework, a clear choice of modern morality to make the necessary moral norms micro-blogging language nurtured. Practical Path micro-blogging language that foster ethical and moral cultivation micro-blogging language needs to build strength, morality is not mandatory, public morality is agreed as vulgar phenomenon. Implementation Mechanism micro-blogging language of moral cultivation, including dispelled the rumors of management mechanism, abusive supervision and governance mechanisms, limiting mechanism of personal attacks and for the whole micro-blogging language and moral construction of an effective mechanism to lead. The cultivation of Micro-blogging’s language including improvement of relevant legislation and standards, additional measures such as micro-blogging Patrol.
Keywords/Search Tags:micro-blog, language of micro-blogging, moral issues
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