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Improve The Countermeasure Research Of Local Government Credibility

Posted on:2016-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461464912Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The local government credibility is the local government through their own behavior to form and maintain a certain social order, and get ordinary people’s ability to recognize. The higher the degree of recognition, the stronger the credibility of the local government. Social investigation shows that the level of local government credibility is decreasing, and the local government has a serious impact on the local government activities.. To clarify the credibility of local government issues, comprehensive use of the literature research, system analysis, empirical analysis and other methods To analyze the credibility of the construction of the municipal government in Shaoguan, so that the local government has a real awareness of the public’s attitude, to find their own shortcomings, targeted adjustments and improvements. Through the proposed has universal significance to strengthen the Shaoguan local government credibility construction is proposed, and extracted with the general applicable rules of universal significance, the Chinese governmental credibility construction of casting a brick to attract jade role.The research on the credibility of local government from the concept of the concept, through the definition of the connotation and characteristics, to explore the factors that affect the credibility of local governments. On the basis of theoretical research in Shaoguan City as the research object, construction of Shaoguan City Government Credibility status were investigated. The guiding ideology and the principles of Shaoguan City and Shaoguan City building the credibility of and measures in Shaoguan City, the credibility of the government to build a government public construction, in accordance with the law administrative construction, public service supply, politics moral education. The results show that the credibility of the government of Shaoguan city has achieved some success. The degree of satisfaction and trust of the public in Shaoguan has been greatly improved than four years ago.. But the satisfaction of the people only on the construction of public affairs, administration according to law, the construction of the two reached more than 50%, other or below 50%, suggesting that deficiencies still exist in the credibility of the Shaoguan municipal government building, through the survey found that Shaoguan municipal government credibility construction in public policy, interactive, public power exercise problems, the existence of local government and public officers to self-interest, system flaws in the cause of the problem; there is a gap between the expectations of the public and the government’s actual behavior of public trust, public awareness deviation, the time of social transformation period and the traditional culture influence. Finally, how to enhance the credibility of Shaoguan City Government proposed corresponding suggestion, put forward to enhance the credibility of the Shaoguan municipal government by strengthening the government’s own integrity of the building, strengthen the supervision of the government behavior, build integrity and social atmosphere in three aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Redibility of the local government, Countermeasure research, Improve, Shaoguan city
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