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The Research On The Budget Supervision System Of Local People’s Congress

Posted on:2015-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
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Budget supervision is an important constitutional power of people’scongress in China. Local people’s congress has taken positive action in thereform of the budget supervision system, while there still exist manyshortcomings, such as the poor procedure designing and the ineffectivesupervision. All above are mostly due to the lack of authority in localpeople’s congress, the imperfect organizational system, and the strongerexecutive power. In order to solve these problems, this thesis has done someresearch and offered a few advices. First, the authorities of the local people’scongress need to be enhanced. The legal nature of the government budgetmust be defined, the scope of the supervision must be expanded, and theright of budget amendment must be authorized to the local people’s congress.Second, the organizational systems of the local people’s congress need to beperfected. A professional and independent budget office of congress isnecessary to the budget supervision system. Third, the supervision needs tocover the whole procedure of government budget. From the beginning to theend, people’s congress must play a positive role in the full budget cycle. The methods of supervision are as important as all above. The internettechnology can realize the budget information sharing between thegovernment and the people’s congress. And the co-supervision with the auditbureau can improve the effect of the supervision.
Keywords/Search Tags:budget, local people’s congress, budget supervision system
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