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The Village Sovereignty Weakening Under The Background Of Rural Policy Changes

Posted on:2015-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X SongFull Text:PDF
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The village sovereignty is the key factor that influences the rural governance effect.The village sovereignty research has strong practical significance. Giddens·Anthonydefined the conception of power. Based on this "Power——Resources" framework, theauthor analyzed the village sovereignty. The author believes that the village governanceresources is the realization basis of the village sovereignty. To facilitate the analysis, thevillage governance resources were divided into two kinds: one kind was materialresources, another kind was authoritative resources. This paper took Chengdu LianHuacunas survey site, through LianHuaCun research, then discussed and researched therelationship between the village sovereignty weakening and village governance resources.The author found that the village sovereignty was weakening. The village’s dominantpower to material resources and authoritative resources was decreaing. Firstly, thecollective income of the village and the villagers group had seriously declined. Theircapital and fixed assets had less and less. As a result, their ability to provide publicservices for their members had descended. Secondly, the authority of village cadres wasdeclining. The main show was that the villagers didn’t identity the village cadresincreasingly. This can be reflected by the events such as village election、Village dispute.The village sovereignty weakened, because its implementation basis had beenweakened. The study displayed that the cancellation of agricultural tax and the ruralproperty rights reform directly led to the collective income seriously declined. Aftercanceling the agricultural tax,“Tiliukuan”, which was the main source of collectiveincome,ceased to exist.This particularly affected the village’s collective income, becausethe villagers group still possessed the collective land ownership, and they can obtain otherforms of income can. However, after the rural property rights reform, the collective landownership of the villagers group was further weakened. In addition, the householdregistration system reform in1980s provided the policy basis for the free flow of urbanand rural population. However, the rural population flow has caused a serious impact on the authority of the village cadres. So, mixed effect of multiple rural policy adjustment,directly led to the weakening of the village sovereignty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Village sovereignty, Material resources, Authoritative resources, Policy changes
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