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Ecological Immigrant Communities To Build Resources And Order

Posted on:2011-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G FengFull Text:PDF
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Based on the field research of C Gacha village in Luanjingtan eco-district of Alex city, this thesis discusses the migrant communities order construction from the perspective of resource.In chapterⅡ, the author describes the living scenes of migrants before their moving. In the original Alex grasslands, which is called "the top richest in the western side", the herdsmen's settlement was decided by the location of grass, and they lived a life of relative leisure and self-sufficiency. With the continuing need for social development in pastoral areas, the demand for resources has increased considerably. And the contradiction between limited resources and infinite human needs has been gradually highlighted. As a result, the limited resources of Alex Pasture was finally exhausted because of infinite grabbing. Besides, it also destroyed the foundation for a normal social operation and survival. The original social order has been consequently broken down.In chapterⅢ, the author discusses the relevance of material resource allocation and social order. Among these material resources, water is the main control means for local government to maintain social order. With the power endowed by the state's authority, the local government has completely controlled the allocation of water resources, and through the "replacement of water right", the local government has dominated water resources and thus achieved its financial accumulation. This undoubtedly deprives of local people's irrigation water, causing great trauma to agricultural production. In the mean time, it greatly diminishes the social basis of government authority, leading to the intensified competition over water resources among farmers. And conflicts and disputes over water right continue to affect social stability seriously. The transfer and concentration of land resources not only disintegrated the social foundation of mutual aid and cooperation among farmers in production and operation, but also provided room for foreigners to enter the area, thus altering the migrants'social composition of the Gacha village and seriously weakening water resource's role of maintaining community order. Poverty alleviation projects, as the current major carrier of poverty alleviation in Chinese rural areas, was the perfect target for the government to endow its authority and it has gradually turned into a machine widening the gap between the poor the rich and making "the poor become poorer, the rich richer".In chapterⅣ, we describe the conversion of the allocated model of the government power, from decentralized control in Luanjingtan to centralized operation, organization setting and inside power struggle of the C Kacha autonomous region. For the purpose of construction an optimum public order and an effective management for new immigrate, the allocated model of the government administrative power in Luanjingtan is changed from decentralization into centralization and strengthened gradually. Finally, the government of Luanjingtan established specially designated planning system and independent operating system. Under these systems, the government power can across the town level and be inserted directly and powerfully into the administration of Kacha community. At the same time, different kinds of resources can be allocated and managed effectively. The construction of Kacha autonomous region not only established a channel for the government power to be inserted into the village community, but also organized an interest community for the heterogeneous immigrate, which makes the collective action possible. The government administrative power endows Kacha autonomous region with institutional authority and legality. The significance of this institutional legality has two points. One is to guarantee the officers with appropriate titles to carry out the work. On the other hand, when facing intractable problem, the government administrative power can be invoked as an vital foundation. The social authority of Kacha community is mainly derived from the moral integrity of the local officer, which is one of significant resources of its legality. In conclusion, during the research of the immigration as a whole in Luanjingtan by studying the individual case of Kacha, we can see the relation net of the prairie culture, which was dominated by Lamasm, has been breakthroughed by the practical activity of immigrate. People finished the ease and stable life, and had no more chance and place for collective religious activities. Instead, in order to survive in the new surroundings after immigration, people have to spend their more energy and limited financial resources in rebuilding hometown, and make a rational decision to save cost under a certain structural arrangement. Under the situation of the limited resource, the governments, Kacha autonomous organization, immigrate, and the non-native will struggle, and even conflict, intensively for their required resources, which will produce impact to the stable social order. In China, a kind society of "strong government-weak society", the government power is the only dominated power in the social system. Therefore, the government power has to be utilized sufficiently to reflect the publicity, to weak the capitation, to abide by the bottom of morality, and to ensure the optimum allocation of the limited resources. At the same time, because of the function of organizing the reproducing ability from the society, the government should enlarge the assignable resources and keep satisfying the needs of the development of the social order.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological migrant communities, material resources, authoritative resources, allocation, order
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