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Emergency Organization Reconfiguration Analysis Fromemergency Task-resource Perspective

Posted on:2015-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330452451045Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the information age, the rapid development of economy and society has ledtoincreasingly frequent outbreaks emergencies, events evolutionary development faster, moredestructive and increased uncertainty. How to build an emergency organization which can adaptto emergency tasks and resource changes based on evolutionary scenarios, how topromptlyreconstruct the emergency organization according on the impact of dynamic uncertain factors onemergency organizations come into being one of the key issue in study on emergencymanagement, and also has being the important direction to improve emergency abilities.It analyzed the evolution of emergency scenariosand operation mechanism of emergencyorganizations, then discussed and proposed the organization structural modeling respect of theorganization state, the relationship of structure and the reconstruction process, change parametersaffecting the emergency organization restructuring has beensimultaneouslyextracted. Based onthe granular computing problem-solving thought, the first task of study was simplifying thecomplex problem of emergency task response to small granularity. In this way, this paperproposed a three-phase design method of emergency organization. The design method analyzedthree mapping relationship concluding the relationship between emergency task and EmergencyService Platform, relationship between Emergency Service Platform and emergencyorganizational resources, relationship between emergency organizational resources andemergency organization structure.What’s more, throughanalysis of factors affecting the stabilityof the emergency organization structure, taking into account the controllability, the dynamicreconfiguration process of emergency organization was come up with. On one hand, this studyenriched the emergency organization research methodology.On the other hand, it provided adirection to improve the actual emergency management abilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emergency Management, Scenario Evolution, Granular Computing, EmergencyOrganization, Dynamic reconfiguration
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