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Constitutional Analysis Of Reverse Discrimination

Posted on:2015-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B ShiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Equal rights is an important constitutional rights of citizens, while any personshould have the right to request to be treated equally, but the biggest obstacle forequal rights is discrimination, we can say, the history of human civilization is to getrid of discrimination against inequality treatment, requiring equality of history. Thedifferent historical periods, the understanding of equality is different, today thegovernment want to take positive measures to achieve equality, not only to ensureequal opportunities for disadvantaged groups,but also to give more protection, morecase nowadays is made to anti-discrimination, policies for vulnerable groups suchlaws give special concessions are in order to change the competitive position of itsadverse social, and to achieve substantive equality sense.This special offer for specific populations manner worthy of being attention andvigilance, because once imprudent formulate preferential policies based on tworeasons, first, the history of environmental change, second,being a complex socialstructure, incentives may not play its role in protecting vulnerable groups and provideequal opportunities, but against the public’s right for equality, there are formed a kindof discrimination to eliminate discrimination in the embarrassing position of another,which is discussed in this article," reverse discrimination " phenomenon, whichseverely equal rights and the Constitution departure.Domestically speaking, there are short for research and practice about reversediscrimination, but the reverse discrimination is exist. Minority integration policiessuch as the entrance, you can use reverse discrimination review criteria were analyzedto examine whether the phase separation and equality form of reverse discrimination.
Keywords/Search Tags:reverse discrimination, discriminate, right of equality, reasonabledifference, standard of review
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