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Study On Price Hearing System In China

Posted on:2015-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431992916Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hearing system originated in the late1990s in China, the price appraisal systemof Shenzhen city in1993was the prototype of the price hearing system in our country,in March1996by the law on administrative punishments prescribed in article42of the"shall inform the parties have the right to require hearing; party requests a hearing, theadministrative organ shall organize a hearing." This is first introduced the hearingsystem in our country. In December1995by the "price law" stipulated in article23ofthe relationship the vital interests of utility prices, the price of pro bono, naturalmonopoly commodities such as the government-set and guided prices, shall establish ahearing system ". Price hearing system formally apply to the price system ofdecision-making, has become a indispensable part of the price decision-making system.After the "interim measures for government decision-making of price hearing","thecatalogue of price hearings of the state planning commission, the government set theprice hearing way" formulated laws and regulations about price hearings in variouslocations and releasing, the price hearing system in our country with system accordingto the laws and regulations.The generation of the hearing system to meet the requirements of the modernadministrative democratization and open and marks the government’s administrativeaction is toward the direction of more openness, fairness, justice and democracydevelopment, this to our country under the new situation the development of politics,economy, law and so on various aspects had a profound impact. But the price hearingsystem, as a new thing in China, the developing has many drawbacks, such as peoplebecause of there are many problems. These problems mainly reflected in the hearingcatalog old, couldn’t keep up with the development of The Times; The deficiency in thesystem of price hearing participants selection, farmer "hearing" the emergence of thephenomenon such as; Price the presiders independence, lack of institutional guarantee,host the lack of independence will affect the impartiality of the price hearing; Pricehearing system of information disclosure is not perfect, the hearing information asymmetry phenomenon; Conclusion and price hearing problems such as lack of legalvalidity. These seriously hindered the development of our country price hearingsystem.In this paper, through combining the theory of public policy theory, democraticparticipation, in-depth analysis of the above questions, some Suggestions are putforward the perfect our country price hearing system. First of all, revise the existingprice hearing directory, change old price hearing directory; Second, improve thesystem of price hearing participants selection, make the hearing participants morerepresentative; Again, enhance the independence of the host in the price hearing system,the need to clear the presiders qualification and appointment system, at the same timein the form of law to determine the status of the presiders; Fourth, we will improvepublic hearing information, the need to improve the information disclosure cost, clearthe hearing program design of information disclosure system, in accordance with law,maintain the right to know of the hearing participants, ensure that the expression of thehearing in person; Finally, by defining the legal effect of hearing record, build systemof hearing opinion collection to enhance the effectiveness of the price hearing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hearing system, The price of the hearin, Public product pricing
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