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Vietnamese Government Has Strengthened Its Management Of Social Security Programs

Posted on:2015-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X D o V i e t H u n g DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431988841Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a country belonging to people,owning to people and for the purpose of people.Each policy of Party and Government also is for the purpose of people and laborers.Social security policy is a large policy of Government,because of serving on top of purpose.Therefore,Government is continuous to improve social security policy. Socialist Republic of Vietnam has got through social security law.According to the chairman of nation’s decision (2006year,the13rd decision),social security law has effectiveness from January1st2007year.According to social security law,Government can control the relationship of social security,improve social security,respond the request of laborers.But for the purpose of social security law can join in laborers’s life,Government must improve management.From2007year,social security law has effectiveness.But Government management for social security programs is only:issuing law documents,guiding to achieve documents,hasn’t specific programs.Therefore,social security still has a lot of problems,can’t respond the request of laborers.For the purpose of increasing Government’s function for social security programs,the current thesis has selected this subject:"Vietnamese Government has strengthened its management of social security programs",to research relevant theories,to evaluate the current situation of Government’s management for social security programs,to find existence problems:to issue law documents,to manage and to achieve the policy of Government,to inspect to achieve law,to resolve to violate law,the problem of management system. Since then,the current research analyzes the reason of problems. At last,the current thesis suggests some plans for the purpose of increasing Government’s function for social security programs:to develop and to manage the law documents,the object,the fund,the system,the inspection and the using IT of social security programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vietnamese Government, Social security, Government’s management, Government inprove management
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