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The Construction Of Marxism Ideology In The Early Years Of The People’s Republic Of China

Posted on:2015-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431983670Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The initial plays a decisive role in the history of the development of the Chinese. In thisperiod, has Chinese social nature, class relations, economic structure had hitherto unknownchange, then caused the change and reconstruction of the dominant state ideology. In ChinaCommunist Party under the guidance of Marx’s national ideology, the status is establishedgradually, become the party and the people’s action compass, leading Chinese people towardthe socialist goal. To establish the guiding ideology of the Marx doctrine in seven years’ time,which itself is a great pioneering work. Which regardless of success or failure of the lessonsof experience are valuable assets, provides a rare inspirations for the current ideological work.In this paper, based on the results of previous studies, attempts to make general research onthe construction of Marx ideology in the early years of new china. The article is divided intointroduction, body, conclusion of three parts. The introduction part introduces the backgroundof the topic, research significance, research status, research ideas and methods. The textconsists of three parts: the first part introduces the necessity of constructing Marx ideology inthe early years of the Republic and the possibility of the second part discusses the concretemeasures; construction; the third part of the basic experience, the founding of Marx ideologyconstruction and the main lessons and strengthen the realistic enlightenment of Marx ideologyon the construction of the contemporary. In the conclusion part, the objective evaluation ofthe positive significance of Party Construction of Marx ideology in the early years of theRepublic of specific historical background.
Keywords/Search Tags:early years of the new nation, Marxism, ideology, construction
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