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The Socialist Harmonious Society Under The Perspective Of Contemporary Chinese People’s Livelihood Problem Research

Posted on:2015-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431498276Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The people’s livelihood" and "the plan", since ancient times has beenthe key to social development and progress can not be ignored, and swiftand cause the rise and fall. Research perspective of the socialistharmonious society under the people’s livelihood issues, for advancing thegreat cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has importanttheoretical value and practical significance. In this paper, starting from thebasic requirements of building a harmonious socialist society, in theperspective of the, pay attention to the people’s livelihood issues in thecurrent reality, explore the ways for improving people’s livelihood issues.From the history of interpretation, the changes of The Times, thedevelopment of the social system analysis, the people’s livelihood andsocial harmony is positive correlation, the relationship between thelivelihood of the people is a good problem solving, society will beharmonious, on the other hand, the society is not harmonious. Both ancientand modern, Chinese and foreign have rich thoughts of the people’slivelihood, in contemporary China, from the class differentiation, theinterests differentiation, value diversity analysis, solve the problem of thelivelihood of the people for the construction of socialist harmonious societyis of great significance, therefore, pay attention to the livelihood of thepeople is the core content of socialist harmonious society theory, thefundamental problem of the socialism harmonious society’s theory. Fromtheoretical analysis, study of the history and realistic reasons analysis,improve the livelihood of the people is the key to building a harmonioussocialist society. Therefore, adhere to the scientific view of "harmony" and legists for the route choice to solve the problem of the people’s livelihood,the scientific approach in achieving economic and social development, tobuild a socialist harmonious society goal and requirements, we will deepenreform of the system, the problems will continue to improve people’slivelihood, push forward the socialist harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:The socialist harmonious society, The people’s livelihoodproblem, realistic path
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